Featured Articles

Seven tips to help your business survive the COVID-19 crisis

Neil Morelli and Susan Chu

Barbara Ruland 0 6773 Article rating: 3.0

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity,” Sun Tzu, Art of War.

For some of us, the world may seem like it’s spinning out of control and we’re spinning out of control with it. Many of us have never experienced a world changing event like the global COVID-19 pandemic, and hopefully, this will be a once in a lifetime moment. 

As entrepreneurs, we’re used to risk. We took risks to take an idea, craft and mold that idea, and build something that we think would be valuable to society. Our businesses grew out of creativity, passion, and drive. At our most optimistic moments, we believe that the same creativity, innovation, and drive will help us get through this crisis, while displaying our values and character along the way.

Tips for Working From Home With an Infant During COVID-19

Kimberly Acree Adams, PhD

Barbara Ruland 0 13035 Article rating: 3.6

The struggle is real. Parenting is, and always has been, a 24/7 job. Working parents have always struggled to integrate and blend parenting demands with job responsibilities in a way that makes it look seamless—each set of duties separate and contained. Note that I am using “integrate” and “blend” purposefully here. It’s not about balancing the two—job duties on one side and parenting on the other—with a give-and-take pull requiring us to direct and redirect our attention to avoid wobbling or falling out of equilibrium. 

But, let’s acknowledge that things are different right now as we weather this coronavirus pandemic. Because of Stay-at-Home orders, there has never been a clearer example of how working parents must blend the responsibilities of both roles. Parents of children of all ages are still integrating the demands of being a parent with those of their jobs, while now also trying to fill the roles of daycare, school, and friends. 

Celebrating the Return of the Professional Practice Series

Performance Management Transformation is Debut Book

Barbara Ruland 0 3786 Article rating: 3.5

SIOP’s Professional Practice Book Series has returned, with a new publisher and new members of the editorial board, after a four-year publishing hiatus.
Oxford University Press has just released the first book in the series reboot, Performance Management Transformation: Lessons Learned and Next Steps, edited by the new series editor, Elaine Pulakos and newly elected SIOP Fellow, Mariangela Batista.
Performance Management Transformation presents case studies from global marquee companies including Patagonia, AbbVie, Medtronic, Toyota, and GoGo Inflight, among others, along with research and commentary by thought leaders in the field.

Work-Family Balance Struggles in the Time of COVID-19

Kristen Shockley and Malissa Clark, University of Georgia

Barbara Ruland 0 11007 Article rating: 4.3

And you thought you had work-family struggles before?? Now you are working from home, serving as a homeschool teacher, dealing with loads of anxiety about the new unknown, all while trying not to touch your face! 

If you feel like you are burning the candle at both ends, you are not alone. We are certainly in unprecedented times and have no research that speaks to work–family struggles during a pandemic (shocking, right?), but our aim here is to provide you with a few evidence-based suggestions for maintaining your sanity  from the work–family and remote work research literature.

A Fresh Look at Resilience: Outcomes, Inputs, and Processes

Linda L. Hoopes, Ph.D. President, Resilience Alliance

Anonym 0 7166 Article rating: 5.0

Learn more about the author at  http://resiliencealliance.com/linda-hoopes-phd/

I am writing this article early in the US response to the coronavirus epidemic. Please consider how the ideas below apply to individuals, groups, organizations, and nations as we find our way through this crisis, and also about how we can build more resilience into our systems in the future.

Although I am passionate about helping people thrive in turbulence, I must confess that I sometimes get tired of hearing the word “resilience.” Just about every conversation that takes place about change, stress, crisis, or well-being includes the term, but its definitions vary widely. Here are a few examples:



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