Featured Articles

Funding Opportunity: NSF Issues Dear Colleague Letter – Strengthening American Infrastructure (SAI)

Lewis-Burke Associates LLC – November 6, 2020

Barbara Ruland 0 2346 Article rating: No rating

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) announcing funding for transformative research that strengthens America’s infrastructure. Specifically, this DCL seeks to build research capacity that can address challenging infrastructure contexts that require a human and social centered approach. This program is expected to be an enduring priority for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate, which leads the competition with support from seven additional NSF directorates. The proposals should include a central focus on at least one SBE program area with the lead principle investigator being an expert in social, behavioral, or economic science and must demonstrate an interdisciplinary approach beyond that of any single program or NSF Directorate.

Boosting Job Performance When Working from Home: Four Key Strategies

Anita C. Keller, Caroline Knight, Sharon K. Parker

Barbara Ruland 0 14097 Article rating: 5.0

The outbreak of COVID-19 forced many companies to adopt remote work practices, including many who traditionally did not support flexible work arrangements. Several of these companies have now embraced remote working, claiming people’s productivity during this time means they will allow more flexibility in the future. But are managers prepared for such a shift? Do organizations have in place what is needed for workers to be productive at home over the much longer haul?



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