Membership Dues Information

Dues Payments & Schedule

Annual SIOP dues are $199 for professional members (Fellows, Members, and Associates) and $59 for Student and Retired member types. There is no surcharge or separate application fee for new members. Dues are payable at the time of application* and each year thereafter during the dues renewal period of May-June.

All memberships are based on our fiscal year and run from July 1 - June 30 and are not automatically renewed. No sales tax or VAT is charged. 

Membership dues are individual, non-refundable, and non-transferable.

SIOP is an individual membership organization. We do not offer corporate memberships or group discounts.

Students should note that SIOP offers a 12-month grace period for you to continue at the student dues rate after you have graduated.  We offer this opportunity to allow you to remain an active SIOP member while you seek professional employment. 

Most membership benefits are activated immediately upon dues payment. This includes the ability to submit a proposal to the SIOP Conference during the Open Call. Voting rights for Members will not be extended until your membership is approved. Subscriptions to the IOP journal begin with the next available issue. Back issues of TIP or IOP can be viewed digitally here and here, respectively.


*Prorated memberships are not available for those joining outside the annual May-June renewal campaign. Beginning in early May, all current members owing dues are sent membership renewal notices via e-mail. Membership dues must be paid by June 30. All unpaid memberships are deactivated on July 1. Individuals with deactivated memberships will no longer receive membership benefits, including access to the member directory, the ability to submit conference proposals, eligibility for committee service, and more.
The following conditions apply for those making dues payments outside of the May and June renewal window (for instance, new members or those rejoining SIOP after a membership has lapsed):

  •   If you make a dues payment between July 1 - February 28 (or February 29, in a Leap Year), your payment will count towards the current dues year. This means you WILL owe dues again by June 30.
  •   If you make a dues payment between March 1 - June 30, your payment will count towards the upcoming dues year and you will receive up to three bonus months of membership. This means you will NOT owe dues again until the following June 30.

Pay Now

SIOP accepts Visa, Mastercard, and American Express credit cards. To send your dues payment by check, please mail to:

6635 W. Central Ave. #105
Toledo, OH 43617


NOTE: The dues for members of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology may be deductible to you as a business expense but not as a charitable contribution. A portion of the dues, however, is not deductible as a business expense because SIOP engages in lobbying as defined by IRS regulations in accordance with IRC Sec. 6033. For the current dues year, 10% of the dues are not a deductible business expense. Please note that contributions to the SIOP Foundation are tax-deductible as charitable contributions.