Featured Articles

Assessment for the 2020s: An Epic Event in Atlanta

By Nikki Blacksmith LEC Planning Committee Member

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The time has finally come! Next week SIOP’s 2019 Leading Edge Consortium, Advancing the Edge: Assessment for the 2020s (LEC) is taking place.

The 2019 LEC will address a timely and significant issue facing our field: the fast-paced evolution of the assessment field.

For those of you attending, get ready: We have a fantastic lineup of speakers! We believe we're at a critical juncture in the assessment field and hope that by bringing together thought leaders and professionals, we can have a lively discussion about where the field needs to head. Assessment is a hot topic right now; I see an article about artificial intelligence and hiring or how technology is changing recruitment and hiring almost every day. If you haven’t recently seen or read an article about how machine learning and new advanced technologies are changing the assessment landscape (in both positive and negative ways), then you need to get out more. In the meantime, you can catch up by reading some recent reports and articles in the media to get a quick (albeit tiny) glimpse of how assessment is evolving drastically:

Alice and the Gig Economy

By Robin Gerrow

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When it comes to workplace legal issues, not much changes as quickly as the topic of “gig” workers these days. Teaching the next generation of business and industrial-organizational leaders about the subject requires being as nimble in the classroom as businesses must be to keep up with new regulations.

Alice Brawley Newlin, Ph.D., wants to make sure tomorrow’s leaders understand the implications of the gig economy. So, she created the senior capstone class “The Gig Economy” that she has been teaching since 2018 at Gettysburg College as part of the Organization and Management Studies major.

An I-O Perspective on Machine Learning in HR

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Richard N. Landers answers a few questions about the impact of AI and machine learning on I-O psychology in support of SIOP’s Smarter Workplace Awareness Month.

Dr. Landers is an associate professor of Psychology at the University of Minnesota and holds the John P. Campbell Distinguished Professorship of Industrial-Organizational Psychology. His research concerns the use of innovative technologies in psychometric assessment, employee selection, adult learning, and research methods, with a recent focus on game-based assessment, gamification, artificial intelligence, unproctored and mobile Internet-based testing, virtual reality, and social media. His work has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Computers in Human Behavior, and Psychological Methods, among others, and his work has been featured in popular outlets such as Forbes, Business Insider, and Popular Science.

Finding Balance: Evidence-Based Strategies for Employers

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[W]ork needs to have a balance that I have rarely lived. It’s a balance that lets us offer our gifts to the world but not at the cost of self and family.[i]”—J. R Storment, President @ FinOps Foundation, reflecting on work and life after the loss of his 8-year-old son.

The vast majority of American workers say that work–life balance is a problem, with 54% calling it a “significant problem.[ii]” Technology has fueled 24/7/365 work connectivity, and 57% of employees say it has ruined the family dinner, viewed as an important ingredient to balance. More than half (57%) of employees think their employer is not doing enough to solve work–life balance problems, and 60% blame their boss.[iii] These statistics highlight that attaining work–life balance is a challenge and employees want their companies to do more to help. The goal of this article is to answer three questions to help leaders address these problems

Resources for a #SmarterWorkplace

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Each year since 2015, the Visibility Committee of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology has hosted Smarter Workplace Awareness Month, highlighting the work that I-O psychologists do to make work better for everybody, and providing resources organizations can use to improve their workplaces.

For the third week of the 2019 celebration, SIOP members share information and insights on agility and agile organizations, the gig economy and contract work, and sexual harassment and the #MeToo movement.



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