Work Smart Series

Understanding and Evaluating AI Solutions

Register Now



Wednesday, August 14, 2024


11 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET

Workshop Coordinators

Christine Boyce and Jean Stetz-Puchalski 


$159 Members; $189 Non-Members

Please contact SIOP for information on the Work Smart Series cancellation and refund policy.

CE Credits: 

Details can be found on the Work Smart Series CE page.

Intended Audience

Intermediate: Solid understanding of the basic concepts covered in this learning program is assumed and may not be discussed or only discussed briefly in this learning program. Intended for someone with some experience in this content area.


Although not essential, it would be helpful for participants to have an understanding of generative AI-based solutions relevant to where they are in their roles and their organization’s (or client organization’s) level of AI maturity.

Detailed Description:

Join us for an engaging interactive virtual workshop designed to empower I-O psychology consultants, business leaders, organizational decision-makers, HR professionals, and talent management professionals with the essential knowledge to navigate the evolving generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) landscape. Through a combination of presentation and fireside chat, this workshop offers the perspectives and insights necessary to evaluate, adopt, and integrate GenAI into your work.

This workshop will equip you with information to successfully evaluate and implement AI methodologies that align with your role and your organization’s maturity level. You’ll also gain a robust set of strategic questions from this question-driven workshop designed to guide you through the evaluation and application of GenAI methodologies in your research and practice.

This workshop provides key takeaways on the following:

  • Understanding GenAI and large language models (LLMs): Grasp the foundational concepts of GenAI and LLMs, including clear definitions and operational mechanisms of LLMs.
  • Language Fluency in AI: Expand your GenAI vocabulary and become conversant in the terminology that’s shaping the future of our practice.
  • Vendor Evaluation: Learn the critical questions to ask potential AI vendors to ensure alignment with your business objectives.
  • Addressing AI Challenges: Discover strategies to tackle common hurdles associated with GenAI in HR research.
  • Reskilling for an AI Future: Explore paradigm shifts that organizations need to understand and embrace to succeed in adapting to the rapidly evolving era of AI.

Learning Objectives:

Attendees will leave this workshop able to:

  1. Identify at least 5 potential use cases for GenAI in HR research for ideation, generation, summarization, analysis, coding, and ancillary tasks.
  2. Describe at least 3 key benefits of using GenAI for open text summarization in HR research and practice.
  3. Apply at least 3 advanced prompt engineering techniques like chain/sequence prompting, clarifying border cases, step-by-step instructions, and encouraging "I don't know" responses.
  4. Explain how reskilling in the age of AI is a change management initiative  
  5. Identify at least 3 key questions to ask when evaluating prospective GenAI vendors


Evan Sinar's headshotEvan Sinar

Evan Sinar, Ph.D., is Senior Research Scientist for Global Hiring Science at Amazon, where he conducts research on and builds products for behavioral evaluation and hiring decision making across Amazon’s corporate roles. In this work, he uses a range of analytical approaches, with generative AI a recent focus. He has designed end-to-end hiring systems for GenAI builder roles and delivered internal learning sessions on GenAI model selection, prompt engineering, and use case alignment. His Amazon roles have also included leading global, mixed-methods research on candidate experience, employee value proposition, and employment branding. He partners across the business to design and implement products, programs, and processes to optimize hiring effectiveness and candidate experience. Evan is a frequent author on topics such as AI, future of work, HR analytics, digital coaching, candidate reactions, and technology-enabled assessment. He is a Fellow of SIOP and has served terms on the SIOP Executive Board as Financial Officer and Conferences & Programs Officer.

Dr. Sinar's contributions to this workshop do not relate to his position at Amazon.


Jorge Tamayo's headshotJorge Tamayo

Dr. Jorge Tamayo is an assistant professor of business administration at Harvard Business School and co-leader of the Digital Reskilling Lab at Harvard’s Digital Data Design Institute.

Professor Tamayo is an applied microeconomist primarily interested in industrial organization and development economics. He was the winner of the 2023 HBR Award for the best article of the year in Harvard Business Review for “Reskilling in the Age of AI” (September–October 2023) with Leila Doumi, Sagar Goel, Orsolya Kovács-Ondrejkovic, and Raffaella Sadun.

Professor Tamayo earned his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Southern California. He has a B.A. in economics and an M.S. in applied mathematics from Eafit University in Medellin, Colombia. Before pursuing his doctoral degree, he worked at the Central Bank of Colombia and as an adjunct professor in the department of economics at Eafit University.

Fireside Chat Speakers: 

Alexandra Levit's headshotAlexandra Levit

Alexandra Levit is the founder and CEO of Inspiration at Work, a woman-owned futurist consulting business with the goal of preparing organizations and their employees to be competitive and marketable in the future business world. A recent nationally syndicated columnist for the Wall Street Journal , Alexandra has authored several books, including the bestsellers They Don’t Teach Corporate in College , Humanity Works: Merging People and Technologies for the Workforce of the Future, and Deep Talent:  How to Transform Your Organization and Empower Your Employees Through AI.

 Alexandra recently received a certificate in strategic foresight from the University of Houston. She consults, writes, and conducts proprietary research on leadership, management, human resources, technology adoption, entrepreneurship, innovation, learning and skills gaps, gender and generational differences, DEI issues, and other career and workplace trends on behalf of numerous Fortune 500 companies including Accenture, ManpowerGroup, and Microsoft. She has also spoken about these topics at hundreds of organizations on five continents including Abbott, ADP, Bank of America, Cardinal Health, Campbell Soup, Exelon, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Human Capital Institute, McDonalds, Microsoft, PepsiCo, the Society of Human Resource Management, and Whirlpool.


Fred Oswald's headshotFred Oswald

Fred Oswald is Professor and Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences at Rice University. His research addresses how psychological tests used in employment and educational settings (e.g., job knowledge, personality) are appropriately developed, implemented, assessed, and refined. Increasingly, employment testing employs AI and machine learning, raising a wide range of scientific, legal, and ethical concerns addressed in his work. Current leadership positions Dr. Oswald holds include Chair of the Board on Human-Systems Integration (BOHSI) at the National Academies, Member of the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC), Associate Editor at Journal of Applied Psychology, and Incoming Editor at Psychological Methods. He is a Fellow of APA (Div. 5, 8, 14), APS, and SIOP.

Thank you to our Evaluation Partner!

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Recommend a Thought Leader

Do you know a SIOP practitioner or researcher who is…

  •   Doing work on topics of critical relevance in the “new normal”  of the workplace?
  •   With great speaking/facilitation skills?

This is a great opportunity to showcase their thought leadership by recommending them (or yourself!) to present at a future Work Smart Series event.  Email the Work Smart Team

Past Events Include:

  • Evidence-Based Strategies for Building Inclusive Workplaces (May 22, 2024)
  • Coaching to Accelerate the Development of Learning Agility. (February 21, 2024)
  • Measuring the Impact of Leadership Development (November 8, 2023)
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employee Psychological Safety (August 23, 2023)
  • Workplace Mistreatment: Science and Solutions (May 24, 2023)
  • Stories That Move Us (February 16, 2023)
  • Coaching Trends: Passing Fads or Future Fixtures? (November 9, 2022)
  • I³: Inspiring, Inclusive, & Influential Communication (August 18, 2022)
  • The “Great R”:  Reality, Response and Reset in a Post-Pandemic Workplace (June 7, 2022)
  • Battling Burnout in 2022: What Can Organizations Do Beyond Encouraging Self-Care? –  featuring Dr. Jacinta Jiménez, author of The Burnout Fix (February 17, 2022)
  • 5 Macro Human Capital Trends Impacting the Workplace Today –  featuring well-known psychologist, writer, and innovator Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic (November 18, 2021)


Save the Date!

Work Smart Events:
November 13, 2024
December 4, 2024

About the Series

This SIOP offering provides virtual learning programs with exceptional content AND opportunities for meaningful, memorable interaction. The series is also intended to increase the visibility of industrial and organizational psychology and will be open to both SIOP members and nonmembers.

The world of work is in a period of rapid change and as I-O psychologists we have much to offer for creating a smarter workplace. In addition to participating yourself, we strongly encourage you to be SIOP ambassadors and invite non-member colleagues to take advantage of the Work Smart learning opportunities.

There is no better time to leverage the science of I-O psychology to make a difference! We hope you join us for [GREAT] Content + [FUN] Connection!

If you have any questions regarding the Work Smart Series or would like more information, please contact the Work Smart Team.

Become a Sponsor

This is an opportunity to sponsor creative, timely discussions on Work Smart series topics! Learn more: Work Smart Series Sponsorship Program

SIOP Work Smart Series Committee

Ali O'Malley, (Team Leader)
Christine Boyce
Chia-Lin Ho
Terri McNelly
Alison O'Malley

Crystal Turner
Sarah Thomas
Jean Stetz-Puchalski