Featured Articles

What’s New, and Not, About Gig Work

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The Gig Economy is #4 on SIOP’s Top 10 Workplace Trends and, as part of SIOP’s Smarter Workplace Month, Emily Campion, assistant professor of Human Resources in the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University, agreed to answer some questions to help us understand why it is growing in importance (moving up six spots from number 10 in 2018).  

What Is Agility and What Makes an Organization Agile?

By Ben Baran

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CEOs and other executives have plenty to keep them up at night: the possibility of shifting economic cycles (i.e., recession), trade concerns, cyber security, acquiring and keeping top talent, adapting to changing customer preferences, regulatory influences on their business, and more.

Additionally, technology continues to advance rapidly, requiring organizations to adapt quickly or risk obsolescence. These pressures all require change; but in particular, these pressures require organizations to become increasingly agile—or nimble—as they proactively navigate their given industry or sector.

Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Anonym 0 4206 Article rating: 1.3

The time has come! September is Smarter Workplace Awareness Month! The goal of Smarter Workplace Awareness Month is to help others learn how industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologists use science to make the workplace smarter—more efficient, healthy, just, productive, and engaged. 

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity: Collaboration, Communication Are Keys to Organizational Agility

by Robin Gerrow

Anonym 0 4768 Article rating: 4.0

Like ballet dancers and basketball players, businesses must constantly work to maintain their agility.

Making agility a priority may be the key to helping organizations thrive in the face of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), according to new research from Dr. Benjamin Baran, of Cleveland State University and the consulting firm Indigo Anchor, and Dr. Haley Woznyj, of Longwood University.



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