Membership Online


Apply for SIOP Membership/Renew/Upgrade

"Much of my research in the area of humanitarian work psychology was supported in its earliest stages by SIOP through a grant I won in 2015. So, really, I have SIOP to thank for its constant encouragement, support, and strong anchor that provided invaluable resources to conduct research in a novel and under-researched area of I-O. I am forever grateful!" Dr. Mahima Saxena

New to SIOP?

To apply for SIOP professional (Member or Associate) membership or Student membership, or to make any purchase on our website, you must first create an account on our website.

  • Please go to the Account Registration page to create your account. The membership application process is only available through the SIOP website.

Apply for Membership

  • Read the SIOP membership requirements to determine your eligibility.
  • Click the red "Join or Upgrade your Membership" button in your user account (see above) to complete the application. Note that your resume and any supporting documents, will need to be uploaded as part of the application process for professional membership.  PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR APPLICATION MATERIALS CLEARLY REFLECT THE CRITERIA. FOR EXAMPLE, IF APPLYING FOR MEMBERSHIP, INCLUDING ENOUGH DETAIL SO IT IS CLEAR YOUR DISSERTATION WAS PSYCHOLOGY-RELATED.
  • Dues are payable at the time of application and preliminary membership benefits become immediately available. Dues information is available here.
  • Professional membership applicants will receive notification of their approval usually within 4-5 weeks. For professional membership applications that are not approved, dues payments will be refunded. Student Affiliate applicants are automatically approved for membership.

Want to Upgrade Your Membership?

If you are a current or previous Associate, or Student who is eligible to upgrade your membership to a higher membership level, please submit an upgrade request:

  • Click on Log In at the top of this page (or click My Account, Manage My Account, if you are already logged in.)
  • Click on the red "Join or Upgrade your Membership" button to complete the upgrade application. Please note that required supporting documents will need to be uploaded as part of the application process.

To take advantage of the SIOP bylaws change allowing Associates with master’s degrees to upgrade to Member, please go here.

Renew Your Membership

If you are a current or previous SIOP member and simply wish to renew your membership at the same membership level:

  • Click on Log In at the top of this page (or click My Account, Manage My Account, if you are already logged in.) 
  • Make necessary changes to your contact information first. Please check that your employer and job title is updated as well as other demographic information.
  • Click the red "Quick Renewal" button and make your payment.

Depending on your current status in SIOP, the system may first ask you to confirm your educational information (to determine automatic eligibility for an upgrade) before continuing to the payment screen.

Important Supplemental Information

FAQ about the membership application process or dues renewal

How to add your resumé or CV to your application 

How to add supporting documents to your application 

If you need additional help, please contact Leah Pekarik, Member Relations Specialist, at or call (419)419-0922.