Featured Articles

Changing With the Times

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2414 Article rating: No rating

SIOP Members Approve Bylaws Amendment

Voting members of SIOP just approved a bylaws amendment to shorten the voting timeframes for electronic votes by the Executive Board and its Emergency Action Committee (EAC). Voting closed at midnight on the morning of January 2, 2019.

The amendment was approved for a vote by the Executive Board at its September 2018 meeting and was intended to allow for a more expeditious process to help SIOP keep up with the pace of technology and decision making.

NSF Career Compass Challenge Deadline Extended

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2553 Article rating: No rating

Agency Offering $100,000 for Workforce Self-Development Tools

The National Science Foundation has extended the deadline for part 1 of its Career Compass Challenge to 11:59 pm ET on January 7, 2019.

The NSF recognizes that, “The future of work is one of continuous change, which depends on a culture of continuous learning.” Therefore, the challenge is intended to develop tools allowing employees to match their skills and interests to work opportunities, and to train for those opportunities, as part of the NSF’s effort to help modernize the American workforce.

Holiday Reading

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2730 Article rating: No rating

Holiday Reading

Download Free Chapters from SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series

When you’ve watched all the holiday movies and want to feed your brain something more stimulating than fruitcake and eggnog, dip into a sampler of the best thinking in the field. 

Routledge, publisher of SIOP’s Organizational Frontiers Series, is offering free chapter downloads from five recent series publications, including The Self at Work, Big Data at Work, Understanding the High Performance Workplace, Autonomous Learning in the Workplace and Facing the Challenges of a Multi-Age Workforce.

Now Is the Time

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2492 Article rating: No rating

Help SIOP Foundation Create Smarter Workplaces

Looking for a year-end tax deduction? Help the SIOP Foundation create smarter workplaces through support of research and educational funding with a donation through the Foundation’s secure online donation portal.

You can make a significant impact on the future of work by supporting I-O psychology research and innovations now. As SIOP Foundation President Milt Hakel observed in his annual letter to supporters, “Rapid advancement in I-O psychology and the organizational sciences now is surely needed. The mania about big data and AI systems is at flood tide, with no shortage of need for critical and clear thinking about creating smarter workplaces.”



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