Featured Articles


SIOP President Eden King Focuses on Diversity and Inclusion

Anonym 0 15530 Article rating: No rating

After accepting the ceremonial gavel from outgoing president Talya Bauer, Eden King spoke from the heart about her presidential vision during the 34th Annual SIOP Conference closing plenary.

She used her brief remarks to highlight issues of diversity and inclusion that are important both nationally and to the Society, issues her body of work makes her eminently qualified to address.

Eden visits the 2019 CNSF Exhibition

Anonym 0 0 Article rating: No rating

@edenbking1 was back on Capitol Hill to meet with congressional staff to discuss the importance of social science funding at @nsf and present her research on addressing discrimination in STEM at the #SeeNSFexpo

$15,000 to Support the Investigation of How Personality, Culture and Environment Influence Work Behavior and Health

The Bruce and Jane Walsh Grant in Memory of John Holland

Jim Rebar 0 2953 Article rating: No rating

The Bruce and Jane Walsh Grant in Memory of John Holland supports scientific, scholarly or applied research and/or educational activities investigating how personality, culture and environment influence work behavior and health (mental and physical).

Preference will be given to early career psychologists (ten years or less postdoctoral), and pilot projects that, if successful, would be strong candidates for support from major federal and foundation funding agencies, and "demonstration projects" that promise to generalize broadly to similar settings in other geographical areas and/or to other settings.

SIOP and SHRM Now Accepting Applications for 2019 Human Resource Management Award

Madeline Remley and Vanessa Hill

Jim Rebar 0 2841 Article rating: No rating

Award celebrates excellence in evidence-based HR practices and programs

BOWLING GREEN, OHIO—The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), together with their foundations, are now accepting applications for the premier international award honoring organizations with outstanding evidence-based HR management practices. 

Since 2013, the HRM Impact Awards have recognized organizations for HR practices and initiatives that have demonstrably improved outcomes for organizations, employees, and external stakeholders. The HRM Impact Award celebrates evidence-based corporate culture, and helps recipients highlight their employee value proposition to attract and retain top HR talent.

It’s Networking, Only Speedier

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 3375 Article rating: No rating

Practitioner Speed Benchmarking Session to Take Place at SIOP Conference

Would you like to network and benchmark with other practitioners facing similar challenges?

Be a part of the Professional Practice Committee’s Practitioner Speed Benchmarking Event!

If you’re a mid-to-late career practitioner, you’re invited to participate in facilitated benchmark discussions at our Speed Benchmarking event taking place Thursday, April 4, from 4:30-6:00 pm in National Harbor 14 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center.



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