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Make Newsbriefs Your Own

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Newsbriefs is SIOP’s weekly member newsletter.

Sent by email every Wednesday, the newsletter includes a SIOP News section, containing information expressly for and about  SIOP members. A quick read through Newsbriefs keeps you up to date on important member information.

But that’s not all! Newsbriefs also includes the TOP INDUSTRY NEWS section, a curated listing of stories about the workplace that relate to important I-O psychology topics. These stories may address pertinent issues, present new areas for research, or simply stir debate.

The American Psychological Association invites applications for its 2020-2021 policy fellowships.

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The American Psychological Association invites applications for its 2020-2021 policy fellowships.
Each year, APA places three psychologists in congressional offices and a federal agency in Washington, D.C. These APA policy fellowships provide a unique opportunity to bring valuable and much-needed psychological perspectives to federal policymaking institutions. For more information, visit https://0-on-apa-org.library.alliant.edu/APAFellowships2020.
Completed applications for the 2020-2021 fellowship year are due by Jan. 5, 2020.

The SciTS2020 Program Committee is pleased to announce its open call for abstracts for the 2020 Conference in Durham, North Carolina!

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The SciTS2020 Program Committee is pleased to announce its open call for abstracts for the 2020 Conference in Durham, North Carolina! This year’s conference will be hosted by Duke University and the Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute, and will be held June 1-4, 2020 at the Durham Convention Center in historic and vibrant Downtown Durham.  

The SciTS2020 event marks the 11th year of the conference! Building off of over a decade of establishing the Science of Team Science, the 2020 conference will focus on highlighting and pursuing excellence in studyingdoing, and teaching Team Science. 

What Are You Hearing? Share Workplace Trends in Top 10 Survey

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What workplace trends do you think will be most important for the coming year? The Visibility Committee needs SIOP members’ help identifying the 2020 trends for the  seventh annual “Top 10 Workplace Trends” list. 

SIOP has been creating the trends lists since 2014, and you can review previous lists here. This outreach effort has been well-received and covered in a variety of media outlets.

Salary Survey Spotlight

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Time is running out to give your feedback in the SIOP Salary Survey. Closing midnight Eastern Daylight Time, October 18, 2019, this survey provides results that inform I-Os in all geographic locations and professional settings. These results are synthesized into reports that explain the factors that impact income, including highest degree obtained, tenure, and employment sector (e.g., academic vs. practitioner, internal vs. external practitioner, etc.) as well as other pertinent demographic variables (e.g., gender, age, geographic location).



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