Featured Articles

Announcing the New Disability Inclusion and Accessibility Committee

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We are thrilled to announce SIOP’s new Disability Inclusion and Accessibility Committee (DIAC). This ad-hoc committee seeks to help SIOP become a barrier-free Society by raising awareness of issues of disability and disability identity in the workforce and helping improve the experiences of all SIOP members, I-O students, and other people with disabilities in the workforce through science and practice.  Given its mandate, the committee is composed of scientists and practitioners, US and international members, people with a lived experience of a disability and allies, and people at different career stages.

Bruce and Jane Walsh Grant in Memory of John Holland: $15,000

Deadline: Sept. 15, 2020

Anonym 0 2403 Article rating: No rating

The Walsh Grant supports scientific, scholarly or applied research and/or educational activities investigating how personality, culture and environment influence work behavior and health (mental and physical).



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