October 2016


Volume 54     Number 2    Fall 2016      Editor: Tara Behrend

New Expanded SIOP Conference Consortia: Creating Career Pipelines!

Meredith Turner 0 1330 Article rating: No rating

On April 27, 2017, the SIOP Consortia Committee will introduce the newly developed Early Career Practitioner Consortium, expanding our pre-conference program offerings to four partially integrated consortia. An overarching goal of the consortia is to provide a socialization experience and networking opportunity to graduate students and early career professionals embarking on their career pathways. For 3 decades, consortia have offered such programming to graduate students (Master’s Consortium and Doctoral Consortium) and more recently extended the development pipeline to early career professionals pursuing academic careers (Junior Faculty Consortium). We are thrilled to further extend our programming to consultants and practitioners in the first 5 to 6 years of their career tracks.

Announcing SIOP 2017 Preconference Workshops & New Half-Day Option

Emily Solberg

Meredith Turner 0 1541 Article rating: No rating

Save the date!  Wednesday, April 26, 2017, is the date for the SIOP preconference workshops at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin in Orlando.  Join us for a chance to gain hands on experience with cutting edge I-O topics from the field's leading experts, network with your colleagues, and socialize at our premier evening reception!

APA Council of Representatives Report

Lori Foster, Georgia Chao, Deirdre Knapp, and Stephen Stark

Meredith Turner 0 1483 Article rating: No rating

The American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) annual convention provides an opportunity for SIOP members to convene with each other and colleagues from other areas of psychology to network, share ideas, and present research. As has become SIOP tradition, Division 14 was well represented this year at the annual APA convention in Denver, with a strong program of invited and peer-reviewed sessions devoted to a wide range of topics within and outside of I-O psychology.

American Psychological Association Convention 2016: Denver, Colorado

Mindy Shoss

Meredith Turner 0 1662 Article rating: No rating

SIOP’s (Division 14) program at APA was a great success! Thank you to program chair Tara Behrend, who put together a fantastic program, and to all who presented at and attended the convention! We heard thought-provoking talks by Lori Foster, David Blustein, Terry Tracey, Alex Gloss, Roni Reiter-Palmon, Chris Shalley, Gwen Fisher, Nancy Tippins, Lynn Offerman, Ann Huffman, Deirdre Knapp, Carl Castro, and others on such topics as decent work and humanitarian work psychology, creativity and innovation in organizations, worker health, selecting leaders of leaders, women leaders, work military trends … and more! We had two poster sessions that featured posters on a wide range of topics within I-O psychology. Beyond our divisional programming, Bruce Avolio and Kelley Slack delivered exciting plenary session talks on leader development and on behavioral risks on Mars and asteroid missions. And Eduardo Salas received the 2016 APA Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology!

I-O @ APS 2017—Let’s Go to Boston!

Silvia Bonaccio, Margaret Beier, Harrison J. Kell, and Christopher Wiese

Meredith Turner 0 2277 Article rating: No rating

The Association for Psychological Science’s (APS) Annual Convention is an exciting meeting that attracts internationally renowned researchers from every area of psychology, including many of our very own I-O scholars. With over 25,000 members, APS is the premiere international organization solely dedicated to the advancement of psychological science and the application of scientific psychology to the development of public policy. Last year’s convention rang in at over 4,000 attendees - a huge success! I-O had a strong presence at APS in 2016, with over 150 poster presentations and a special symposium showcasing student work. Exciting I-O events included two invited symposia (Mental Health at Work, and Aging and Retirement), and several invited talks by I-O scholars, such as Derek Avery (Temple University), Alice Eagly (Northwestern University), Carsten de Dreu (University of Amsterdam), Michele Gelfand (University of Maryland), and Filip Lievens (Ghent University). Additionally, Mikki Hebl (Rice University) spoke in a conference-wide interdisciplinary symposium on diversity, and both Tara Behrend (George Washington University) and Susan Mohammed (Penn State University) spoke in conference-wide, cross-cutting themes. Needless to say, I-O was very well represented.