October 2016


Volume 54     Number 2    Fall 2016      Editor: Tara Behrend

I-O Impact

Clif Boutelle, SIOP Public Relations

Meredith Turner 0 1415 Article rating: No rating

During his presidential address at SIOP’s annual conference in April, Steve Kozlowski challenged SIOP members to initiate efforts to make I-O expertise more accessible by linking members’ interests and creating projects that will facilitate advocacy and impact.

It’s the Leadership, Stupid— An I-O Psychology Perspective on the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election

Ronald E. Riggio

Meredith Turner 0 1943 Article rating: No rating

Imagine that your organization is in the process of selecting a new leader. Which attributes would be most important to you? If you are like most U.S. white-collar workers, you value honesty, integrity, fairness, competence, compassion, and a leader who is approachable and possesses good people skills. Indeed, results from the GLOBE study of leadership in 62 cultures finds that these attributes, along with being intelligent, informed, decisive, and foresighted are leader attributes that are universally valued. Conversely, being noncooperative, egocentric, nonexplicit, ruthless, and dictatorial are leader qualities that are universally viewed as undesirable (House et al., 1999; House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004).

In Memoriam

Sheldon Zedeck and Wayne Cascio

Meredith Turner 0 1887 Article rating: No rating

A lovely tribute to SIOP's president-elect and a giant in the I-O world. Dr. Outtz is sorely missed but his legacy continues.

Call for Proposals for I-O Graduate Program Rankings

Nicholas P. Salter, Joseph A. Allen, Allison S. Gabriel, David Sowinski, and Loren Naidoo

Meredith Turner 0 1481 Article rating: No rating

Don’t forget: We are seeking proposals for rankings of graduate programs.  Please refer to the original Call for Proposals (TIP; July 2016) for more details and see below for answers to some questions we have received.  As a brief reminder, we are seeking proposals for new and unique methodologies for ranking I-O PhD and MA/MS programs that reflect the diversity of values and strengths across the field of I-O. Multiple ranking methodology submissions will be accepted for publication, resulting in multiple rankings featured in an upcoming issue of TIP.  We have developed this call in consultation with the TIP editor, in response to a need for more comprehensive and updated information about graduate programs.

SIOP 2017: Orlando

Zack Horn and Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang

Meredith Turner 0 1409 Article rating: No rating

SIOP is looking to the Future of I-O in 2017, with several all-new initiatives and an outstanding lineup of forward-focused sessions! Planning for this 32nd Annual Conference in Orlando is well underway, so consider this your official notice to mark your calendars. Don’t miss this chance to be a part of shaping the next generation of I-O Psychology.