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SIOP Professional Practice Book Offers Advanced Training Practices

Mariah Clawson, SIOP Communications Intern

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Creating, Implementing, and Managing Effective Training and Development: State-of-the-Art Lessons for Practice offers the most advanced training practices available today for your work organization. HR professionals; business leaders; practitioners who are selling, implementing, and evaluating training systems regularly; and those in performance consulting will find a wealth of information in this SIOP Professional Practice Series edition.

In this multiauthored book, often-unshared breakthroughs from several training disciplines are combined with guidelines useful to implement and maintain a state-of-the-art training program.

Diversity as a Small Business Strategy

Robin Gerrow

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Early Implementation of Diversity Policies Help Set the Stage for Future Success

New small businesses and start-ups have their hands full with the basic ABCs of launching. For those with an eye on growth, adding the D of diversity from the start can have a big impact down the road.

In a new study by Dr. Kelly Weeks of Rhodes College, Dr. Myrtle Bell of The University of Texas at Arlington, and Dr. Jennifer Sequeira and Dr. SherRhonda Gibbs of the University of Southern Mississippi, the researchers posit that new small firms benefit as much from employee racial diversity as larger, more established companies. With a dearth of research on smaller organizations, they turned to existing research on large firms to argue their point and come up with practical recommendations for organizations.


Communicating Change

Robin Gerrow

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Perceived Fairness May be Key to Successful Change Management

Organizational change is inevitable. It can go well—or not.

Although employees are significant stakeholders in an organization, they are all too frequently not part of the equation when it comes to implementing important organizational changes. As a result, the process might not go as smoothly as it could.

Kami Tsai, PhD of Raymond James, and a recent graduate of the doctoral program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, decided to look at how employee engagement in the change process impacts how well change is implemented when organizations decide to shake things up.

Work Balance + Life Balance = Happiness

Debbie Rogers

India Worthy 0 4041 Article rating: No rating

Auburn student’s research makes case for managing calls from boss, texts from home

Smart phones – with a ping announcing an email from a boss or a text from a spouse – rule our lives, connecting us to work and family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Achieving a proper balance between the job and home seems like a good goal to strive for, as discussed in latest offering from the SIOP White Paper Series. Now there is research that work-life balance has important implications for employee outcomes.

They Want What?

Robin Stanton Gerrow

India Worthy 0 4491 Article rating: No rating

Study Shows Millennials in the Workplace May Not Be So Different After All

Since millennials began entering the workforce, there have been many claims about how different they are when it comes to workplace performance and preferences. But, are they so different from other generations in their expectations? Turns out, it’s complicated.



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