Featured Articles

APA 2020 Proposal Deadlines Approaching

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APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020. CE workshop proposals are due by Nov. 12, 2019, and division program and Psych Science-in-3 submissions are due by Dec. 2, 2019. If you’re a subject matter expert with new research or applications to share, and a speaker who can connect with an audience, the APA conference organizers want to hear from you!

Malissa Clark, SIOP’s program chair for the conference says, “The annual APA convention is an excellent opportunity for industrial-organizational psychologists to attend sessions focusing on a wide variety of topics and network with psychologists outside of Division 14. This is a perfect opportunity to add diverse psychological perspectives to your research and practice!”

Veterans Day 2019: Employing Our Veterans

Kristin Saboe and Laura Tate

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This is our second installment in a two-part series on increasing our military literacy. Last week’s Newsbrief talked about how the military is organized, and this week we will touch upon key concepts underlying why it may be difficult for our military community members to transition to civilian employment. Approximately 200,000 service members leaving the U.S. military annually. Although less than 1% of our U.S. population is currently serving in uniform, approximately 8% of our U.S. population has served and are considered veterans. Additionally, there are an estimated 690,000 military spouses in the U.S. The military community may not be in the majority, but they have served an outsize role to ensure those that have not served can enjoy a life of freedom.

There are numerous ways to serve in the military based upon the type of service component, role, job/occupation, and types of experiences to which someone is exposed. It is critical to recognize that service comes in many forms – uniformed military, military family members, civilian government employees, and contractors all serve the Department of Defense’s military mission in unique and impactful ways. Serving in the military is a total family experience. When a service member serves, so does his or her spouse and children, as the family members must maintain continuity through regular deployments, moves around the world, and conditions that often prevent ever feeling settled into a career for a military spouses or education for military children. 

Submission Deadline for SciTS2020 Approaching

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SciTS2020 is a forum for team science scholars, practitioners, and providers from a broad range of disciplines to share and advance the latest evidence-based methods in team collaboration in translational and transdisciplinary science.

Speakers and attendees will include investigators, administrators, students, funders, and policymakers. Anyone interested in improving integrative research and discovery is welcome.  The deadline for abstract submission is December 1, 2019.

The 2020 conference will be hosted by Duke University and the Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute, June 1-4, 2020 at the Durham Convention Center in historic and vibrant Downtown Durham. 

SIOP’s LEC Assessment for the 2020s Debrief

By Nikki Blacksmith LEC Planning Committee Member

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It’s hard to believe but SIOP’s 2019 LEC is over and the planning for SIOP 2020 LEC is underway! I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the annual consortium and start translating the amazing insights and discussions had during LEC into action.

SIOP’s 2019 Leading Edge Consortium, Advancing the Edge: Assessment for the 2020s (LEC), had record-breaking attendance. In fact, it SOLD OUT! What was even more exciting was that about 20% of the audience were non-SIOP members. Their unique perspectives and expertise greatly contributed to and heightened the conversation about where the field of assessment needs to head in the future.

Veterans Day 2019: Who Are Our Military?

Kristin Saboe and Laura Tate

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Happy Veterans Day to SIOP’s military community and beyond. The sacrifices our military men and women and their families make daily are commendable. These sacrifices often go unspoken because it is a way of life for them. Many times when someone stops a veteran to say “thank you for your service” you’ll find the veterans pauses and has to think about a reply. It isn’t that they are not thankful for your gratitude and acknowledgment; it is often that veterans simply do not see their daily actions as anything different from those not wearing a uniform around them. The first few times I (Kristin) was welcomed with such a comment in public after I joined the Army, I fell mute because, in reality, I was simply doing my job as an I-O psychologist in uniform. I, like so many veterans and family members of veterans think of this as a job to be done but to those they protect and enable freedom for, it is far more than that. It is a sacrifice few – about 8% of the U.S. population are veterans – are willing to make for an outsize impact on the world.

SIOP’s Military and Veterans Initiative (MVI) Task Force was launched in fall 2018 after maturing from a prosocial effort first founded in 2012. Focused internally, the Task Force builds a community for those that work on military-relevant or funded topics whether through research, practice, and/or identification as a military community member. Externally, the Task Force communicates best practices of I-O psychology relevant to Veterans’ and their families’ well-being, work conditions, and employment topics.



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