Featured Articles

Keeping Up With APA: Calls for RFP and Nominations

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First, members who are interested in being nominated for APA president-elect are invited to submit a 50-word statement to the Election Office by January 24.  Statements will be sent with the president-elect nomination ballot that is scheduled to go out on February 3.  Please send your statements to gcoad@apa.org.

Second, APA is seeking proposals for consultation to provide advice for restructuring the Public Interest Directorate’s (PI) offices and staffing. Proposals should be submitted by 5 pm on Friday, January 31, 2020, to Donella Graham at dgraham@apa.org.

How to WIN in the Workplace: Salary Negotiations

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Creating a knowledge pool of experts, seasoned professionals, and peers who can provide sound advice in a meaningful and tangible way is an invaluable asset. This is what spurred the creation of the “How to WIN in the Workplace” online discussion series. The goal is to bring together panelists with varying backgrounds and experiences to speak on real workplace topics, questions, and problems. Attendees are encouraged to have real discussions in a true “Ask me anything” format around the topic for the session.

Hosted by the SIOP Women’s Inclusion Network (WIN), the kick-off of their online discussion sessions, How to WIN in the Workplace: Salary Negotiations, will be January 27th at 5 pm CST. We will explore the challenges and strategies of salary negotiation with Drs. Alexis Fink, Julie Olson-Buchanan, Kecia Thomas, and Nick Salter.  The four panelists provide both academic and applied insights around the topic of salary negotiations as well as unique experiences on the topic. The session will be conducted in an informal style, and you are encouraged to send in questions before the session or to ask during the session. 

2020 Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award Call for Papers

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The International Leadership Association (ILA) and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) are pleased to co-sponsor the annual Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award to recognize outstanding unpublished papers by undergraduate and graduate students. The award is named in honor of the distinguished scholar and former Chief Executive Officer of the Center.

The winner of this year's award will receive:

  • $1,000 cash prize
  • Travel and Lodging (up to three nights), and Complimentary Registration to ILA's 22nd annual conference, San Francisco, California | 5-8 November 2020.
  • Complimentary 1-year ILA membership
  • Recognition at the ILA conference and in various multi-media ILA publications

Advanced Training Institutes

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Dear Division Leaders,

Please see the following announcement about Advanced Training Institutes offered in the summer of 2020.

The American Psychological Association will sponsor four Advanced Training Institutes (ATIs) in the summer of 2020- Application deadlines begin March 23.

Make a Connection Through the SIOP Ambassador Program!

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Did you know that 25% (approximately 1,500 people) of SIOP conference attendees are first timers? 

As many can recall from their first Annual Conference, SIOP can be a very overwhelming experience, particularly for newcomers. The SIOP Ambassador Program supports our newest attendees by matching them with people willing to share what they’ve learned from past conferences.  Serving as an ambassador involves a relatively small time commitment that can have a tremendous impact on first time SIOP attendees.  Whether you are a graduate student, recent graduate in academic or applied jobs, or more veteran SIOP member, please consider showing a first time SIOP conference attendee the ropes this year!



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