Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

External organizations may use Calls and Announcements to share information relevant to SIOP membership (e.g., topics related to I-O psychology, HR, organizational development, workplace issues, etc.). Posts are free and limited to 300 words. They must be written by the requestor (SIOP cannot write these posts) and should include a title and a link for more information. Attachments are not supported. Each post must clearly identify the organization responsible for the information and include contact information, unless a link for more information has been provided.

Calls and Announcements is appropriate for calls for papers, announcements about relevant events or professional development opportunities, and requests for study participation. All survey requests must have appropriate approval (for example, Institutional Review Board approval) prior to being submitted. Job posts are not permitted in Calls and Announcements; please visit our Career Center or information about posting a job. Sales posts are not permitted in Calls and Announcements; please visit our Partner webpage for advertising opportunities.

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Calls and Announcements are available for external organizations. SIOP committee chairs should reach out to their liaison for opportunities to communicate their events and initiatives. If a committee chair does not know who their liaison is, please email for assistance.

Content posted in Calls and Announcements is not created by or for SIOP. SIOP is not responsible for and does not endorse content posted here. If you have questions or concerns about content in Calls and Announcements, please contact the submitter directly, either via contact information in the post or by following a link in the post.


U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Broad Agency Announcement for Basic, Applied, and Advanced Scientific Research (2018-2023)

Anonym 0 2385 Article rating: 3.0

The U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences is the Army’s lead agency for the conduct of research, development, and analyses for the improvement of Army readiness and performance via research advances and applications of the behavioral and social sciences that address personnel, organization, training, and leader development issues.  Interested offerors are encouraged to submit white papers prior to submitting proposals. 

The full research announcement and application instructions for both white papers and proposals may be viewed at beta.SAM or under opportunity number W911NF-18-S-0005.  White papers and proposals may be submitted under the general topics of the Broad Agency Announcement at any time through 29 April 2023.  Specific calls for white papers are published on beta.SAM under opportunity number W911NF-18-S-0005. 


APF COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant: $20,000

Deadline: May 1, 2020

Anonym 0 3285 Article rating: No rating

In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the American Psychological Foundation is allocating funding to support psychological research that will provide insights that will help psychologists to work with individuals, families, and groups who are struggling to cope during these challenging times. This grant will fall under APF Visionary Grant priorities of using psychology to solve social problems.  The COVID-19 crisis is certainly a major social problem.

Call for unpublished research for leadership and follower engagement/burnout meta-analysis

Anonym 0 2267 Article rating: No rating

Dear Colleagues,

Jan Luca Pletzer, Arnold Bakker, and I are working on a meta-analysis about the relations of constructive (such as transformational, empowering and servant) and destructive (such as abusive and tyrannical) leadership with follower work engagement and burnout. Our aim is to examine the relations between different leadership styles and both follower work engagement and burnout, as well as to compare the relations between constructive and destructive leadership styles and these outcomes. To get the best overview of the magnitude of the relations, it is crucial that we also include unpublished studies in this area.

We are therefore calling for unpublished data

  1. including quantitative measures of leadership as well as follower engagement and/or burnout (or their subdimensions)
  2. including working adults (18+) as participants

Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey Invitation

Anonym 0 2576 Article rating: No rating

This study is a 10-minute survey examining how satisfied current PhD students in the field of Psychology are. In particular we are interested in reaching out to as many students as possible from all institutions in the United States. So far we have collected data from 825 graduate students from over 50 PhD program in psychology. Questions included in this survey pertain to individual well-being, satisfaction with one's graduate program, and perceptions of work and field related norms. This study has been approved by the University of Massachusetts Amherst IRB. For more information please contact

Need Help Transitioning to Online Classes? SIOP is Launching a Dynamic Resource Guide for Faculty & Students

Christopher W. Wiese, Marissa L Shuffler, Diana R. Sanchez, Adriane M.F. Sanders, & Richard Mendelson SIOP Education & Training Committee

Anonym 0 2437 Article rating: No rating

With many colleges and universities moving their face-to-face classes online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are in the predicament of having to quickly transition our courses to an online format. In response to this need, SIOP’s Education and Training Committee is spearheading a cross-committee effort to share tips and recommendations to help our colleagues quickly transition their courses online. In the coming days, we will also share dates and times for a series of “virtual office hours” hosted by SIOP members experienced in delivering online I-O graduate and undergraduate courses, in order to provide additional support and advice.

Through initial efforts, we’ve produced an Online Teaching Survival Guide. This document consolidates resources and recommendations that will help with the rapid transition of classes to online formats that will keep the structural integrity of courses they have already designed.  This is not the time to “reinvent the wheel” when it comes to your courses, but you may have to redirect where your wheel is going.
