Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

External organizations may use Calls and Announcements to share information relevant to SIOP membership (e.g., topics related to I-O psychology, HR, organizational development, workplace issues, etc.). Posts are free and limited to 300 words. They must be written by the requestor (SIOP cannot write these posts) and should include a title and a link for more information. Attachments are not supported. Each post must clearly identify the organization responsible for the information and include contact information, unless a link for more information has been provided.

Calls and Announcements is appropriate for calls for papers, announcements about relevant events or professional development opportunities, and requests for study participation. All survey requests must have appropriate approval (for example, Institutional Review Board approval) prior to being submitted. Job posts are not permitted in Calls and Announcements; please visit our Career Center or information about posting a job. Sales posts are not permitted in Calls and Announcements; please visit our Partner webpage for advertising opportunities.

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Call for Unpublished Data

Anonym 0 2192 Article rating: No rating

I am seeking unpublished data on the association between mental health (e.g., depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.) and workplace injuries (i.e., frequency, severity, or presence/absence) for a meta-analysis on the topic. 

If you have access to data that potentially captures these variables but are short on time, please send me a quick note and we can work something out when it is convenient for you. 

If you are able to share the raw data, please reply with an anonymized dataset and how you would like it to be cited. 

If you would like to share results from data which itself cannot be shared, I kindly request a few pieces of information: 
1. Effect size(s) (e.g., preferably correlation coefficients, but could vary depending on the nature of the variables [e.g., chi-square, OR, Cohen’s d may be more appropriate]) for the relationship between mental health and workplace injury indicators.
2. Measurement characteristics including 2.1) how the indicators were measured (scale, number of items, measurement source, length of recall used), and if applicable, 2.2) internal reliability of measurement. 
3. Study characteristics including 3.1) design (e.g., concurrent, longitudinal, case-control) and 3.2) context (e.g., field, residence, lab). 
4. Sample characteristics including 4.1) sample size, 4.2) mean age, and 4.3) % male. If available, any information on 4.4) industry/occupation of sample, as well as 4.5) minority-, 4.6) relationship-, 4.7) income-, and 4.8) educational-status would also be welcome. 

Participate in the UCL study on research practices in Social Science

Anonym 0 2262 Article rating: No rating

Much has been discussed in recent years about research practices in the Social Sciences, yet factors that influence these practices remain largely unknown. To address this, Kyoo Kim and Prof. Ana Guinote (University College London, U.K.) have recently launched a survey as part of their pre-registered research project. They are trying to reach academics in social science who conduct empirical hypothesis testing studies.

Participants' honest and realistic answers will greatly help in identifying trends in research practices. The survey is simply an online based link, where all data will be completely anonymous and fully voluntary. 

Research Pass banking & finance Home Journal Management in Crisis: Viruses, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes, Oh My!

Anonym 0 2633 Article rating: No rating

What a hectic day. I woke up to the news of an earthquake in my home state where most of my family live. Seven days earlier the World Health Organization had declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic. Two days earlier my university was shut down and all my classes were switched to an online format. The day ended with the National Weather Service issuing a tornado watch for the Texas county where I live.

The day was March 18 2020. I had trouble sleeping that night, but as the sky eventually started to change to light gray and the birds started to sing, I realized that life will continue on and I thought of Ben Harper’s lyrics: We must all have / The will to live / You got to have / The will to live.

I knew that I needed to think of ways I could help. Then on March 20th, the CEO of Emerald Publishing, Vicky Williams said in an email concerning the COVID-19 crisis, “The answers to this crisis will come from the incredible power, dedication and resilience of the research and public health community…” Vicky’s words made it clear to me that an important way I could help is through the pages of Emerald Publishing’s very first publication that started the company over a half century before: Management Decision.

My thoughts were cemented in the beginning of May, when the head of publishing at Emerald, Sally Wilson said in an email, “…we believe passionately in publishing research that makes a difference in the real world.” As such, Management Decision is creating a special issue entitled, “Management in Crisis: Viruses, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes, Oh My!”.

Enhance your knowledge and skills in research and evaluation.

Anonym 0 2212 Article rating: 4.7

The University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education is offering a 100% online Online Graduate Certificate in Program Evaluation for educators and professionals, through which you will gain the skills needed to conduct high-quality, ethical, and actionable evaluations. Apply for Fall 2020 by Friday, June 19. Questions? Please email Dr. Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead at

American Psychological Foundation Upcoming Deadlines

Anonym 0 2326 Article rating: 5.0

American Psychological Foundation 
Apply online for all programs here:
Questions? Email APF’s program coordinator, Julia, at .

Upcoming Deadlines

Sharon Stephens Brehm Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships: $5,000
Due July 1, 2020
APF’s only undergraduate program. The Brehm Undergraduate Scholarship Program will provide assistance to students majoring in psychology with demonstrated financial need. International students and students who are undocumented are welcome to apply.
