CEMA Wants to Be Here for You, Let Us Know How! Kisha S. Jones Meredith Turner / Saturday, July 1, 2017 0 2236 Article rating: 5.0 I am halfway into my 2-year position as chair of the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA), a SIOP committee that concentrates on attending to issues relevant to racial/ethnic minorities in SIOP and the I-O psychology field overall. CEMA is made up of a wonderful group of SIOP members from all racial/ethnic backgrounds who are interested in advancing this important work. I have enjoyed having the opportunity to serve SIOP and its ethnic minority community in this role. I have also appreciated the help that the SIOP office has provided to myself and the committee as we have attempted to reach our goals. One example of this support is their assistance in CEMA’s recent attempt to survey ethnic minority former SIOP members by adding additional items to the SIOP member exit survey. This information was collected by us to better understand how SIOP can serve its ethnic minority membership in the future. However, as I reviewed the anonymous responses to the question of how CEMA could have better supported them, I became concerned. Some of these ethnic minority former members mentioned that they had not heard of CEMA and wished that CEMA had better engaged them while they were a part of SIOP. Read more
SIOP’s New Frontiers Include Everybody Bharati B. Belwalkar, Charles P.R. Scott, and Lisa S. Moore Meredith Turner / Saturday, July 1, 2017 0 1755 Article rating: No rating True to the 2017 theme of Exploring New Frontiers, SIOP attendees explored new and insightful research and best practices in various areas of I-O psychology. We are sure that all of you enjoyed your time meeting experts face to face, learning new things, and networking. SIOP is also a fantastic place to reconnect with friends from graduate school. Well, this article is a product of such reconnection and informal conversation at SIOP among three of us. Read more
Creating an Open-Access, Practitioner-Friendly, Scientific Journal for I-O Psychology: The Case of Personnel Assessment and Decisions (PAD) Scott Highhouse and Dennis Doverspike Meredith Turner / Saturday, July 1, 2017 0 1693 Article rating: No rating In 2015, we launched a new journal, Personnel Assessment and Decisions (http://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/pad/). We strived to create a new journal that would: (1) counter the trend away from practical scientific research; (2) be no cost to authors and readers; (3) ease the burden on reviewers; (4) publish shorter and more accessible articles; and, 5) begin to respond to calls for changes in the basic nature of the publication enterprise (see Highhouse, 2015). So far, we believe that we are aligned with these goals. It is free to read and publish in the journal. The articles are of interest to both researchers and practitioners. Reviewers are asked to focus on only major, substantive issues in the first round of review. The articles are brief (maximum 4000 words), and readable. Of course, changing the nature of the research and publication process is a much longer term goal. Read more
The Modern App: #SIOP17 Review: Technology Takeaways From Orlando Tiffany Poeppelman and Evan Sinar Meredith Turner / Saturday, July 1, 2017 0 1410 Article rating: No rating As a follow-up to our April TIP issue, in this column we’ll be revisiting and extending the discussion about SIOP 2017 sessions that not only incorporated technology but that conceptualized it as an integral component of workplace practices and employee experiences. Read more
TIP-Topics for Students: Moving I-O Psychology Forward Together Jessica Sorenson, Grace Ewles, and Thomas Sasso Meredith Turner / Saturday, July 1, 2017 0 1447 Article rating: No rating Throughout our tenure as TIP columnists, we have written each of our columns with the aim of critically discussing a number of topics relevant to the graduate student experience and the field of industrial-organizational psychology. For our final column we wish to take a more reflective approach. We aim to synthesize and contextualize our previous columns and provide recommendations to further support the development of graduate education in I-O. To accomplish this, we have broken our column into three parts: first, a reflection to highlight the learnings and themes that have emerged across our columns. This is followed by contextualizing these themes within broader discussions happening in TIP and across other forums, as well as the identification of future directions. We conclude our column with recommendations and key takeaways to support change. By doing so, we aim to summarize our learnings and inform the future direction of our field, with a particular emphasis on the importance of holistic learning and development. Read more