Featured Articles

Ready, Willing, and Able

Jenna-Lyn Roman, PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology

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Military Spouses Are Poised to Fill Your Organization’s Talent Gap

Spouses of active duty military members are often assumed to be individuals whose sole purpose is keeping the home fires burning while their loved ones are deployed, training, or on other missions. This misconception overshadows the reality that 53% of military spouses are actually pursuing bona-fide careers outside the home (DMDC, 2015). Although there are in fact some military spouses, of both genders, that do support and maintain a home, the military spouse population is one that is vastly overlooked as career contributors.

It’s Personal

Robin Stanton Gerrow

India Worthy 0 3807 Article rating: No rating

Achieving work-life balance goes beyond finding time for the family

Ever feel a little guilty about taking the time for that pick-up game of basketball or a weeknight watercolor class? You shouldn’t—it’s good for you and your job.

That’s what doctoral candidate Victoria Daniel and Dr. Yujie Zhan of Wilfrid Laurier University discovered in their research titled “Wearing Many Hats: How Employee Personal Life Engagement Enriches Creativity at Work,” presented in April at the 2018 Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Chicago, Illinois.

The research touches on several topics in SIOP’s 2018 Top 10 Workplace Trends, including work-life balance, the changing nature of how people work, and engaging millennials in the workplace.

New Research Explores Learner Preferences in Corporate Training

Research report, “What Learners Want: Strategies for Training Delivery” explores questions relevant to corporate training and guidance for learning and development professionals

Jim Rebar 0 3199 Article rating: No rating

Raleigh, NC – October 18, 2018 – Corporate training programs can be more effective when training delivery strategies are aligned with the learners’ preferences. A new research report from Training Industry, Inc. explores these learner preferences, focusing on how learners want to learn and the match between their preferences and what organizations are actually using to deliver training.

“Today’s learners have choices,” Amy DuVernet, Ph.D., director of training manager development at Training Industry, Inc. and the researcher and author of the report. “They can find information about how to best perform their jobs from a number of sources. It’s critical that training professionals, and the training function, acknowledge this reality by providing learning and development in ways that learners want to engage.”

Amazon and PepsiCo Named 2018 HRM Impact Award Winners

SIOP Administrative Office

India Worthy 0 3355 Article rating: No rating

SHRM, SIOP and their foundations to award organizations that are improving HR management practices

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), along with their foundations, announced Amazon and PepsiCo as the winners of the 2018 Human Resource Management (HRM) Impact Award for their programs that affect internal and global hiring needs.


On “New” Personality Types

Deniz S. Ones, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Brenton M. Wiernik, University of South Florida

India Worthy 0 5510 Article rating: 3.5

An Industrial, Work, and Organizational Psychology Perspective

In September, Gerlach, Farb, Revelle, and Amaral[1] published an article in Nature Human Behavior proclaiming they had identified four personality types that robustly replicated across 4 data sets. Its publication set off a media frenzy, with the authors’ university and major news outlets announcing this as a major breakthrough—for example, “Scientists identify four personality types”[2], “Comprehensive data analysis dispels established paradigms in psychology”[3,4], “Big data gives the ‘Big Five’ personality traits a makeover”[5], among dozens of others[e.g., 6–12]*. The Gerlach et al. article and ensuing media frenzy had an immediate impact on us. 



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