Featured Articles

SIOP United Nations Team Celebrates Anniversary

Amber Stark 0 2742 Article rating: 5.0

In 2011, SIOP was granted non-governmental organization (NGO) special consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Nine years later, the relationship is still going strong.

Virtual SIOP Program at APA 2020

Amber Stark 0 2536 Article rating: No rating

Registration is now open for APA 2020, which will include presentations from several SIOPers. Virtual sessions will be available on demand beginning August 6, 2020 and will be accessible through August 1, 2021.

Anti-racism grant pool announced, proposals due July 27

Amber Stark 0 2660 Article rating: No rating

Last month, the SIOP Foundation began collecting contributions for its new Anti-Racism Grant, a step toward addressing racism in work contexts using I-O science and practice.

SIOP and the SIOP Foundation are pleased to announce that the submission site for proposals is now open; it will close at 5 p.m. ET Monday, July 27.



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