Featured Articles

SIOP Foundation Funding Dollars Available!

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The SIOP Foundation is accepting nominations for a variety of 2021 awards, grants, and scholarships until midnight ET on June 30.

Need help deciding which award, grant, or scholarship may apply to you? We invite you to navigate through an interactive poster found here.

Some research grants have specific areas of interest, whereas others are open to any research project. The grant amounts vary from $3,000 up to $10,000, so please visit the grants page today and see which one is best for you.

New Professional Practice Series Book Gives Surveys a Solid Foundation

By Robin Gerrow

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The latest volume of SIOP’s Professional Practice Book Series, Employee Surveys and Sensing, addresses the ever-evolving topic of employee surveys with a solid foundation in science.

Edited by William H. Macey, of CultureFactors, Inc., and Alexis Fink, of Facebook, the volume examines everything from traditional survey methods to new approaches in analyzing and presenting survey data.

The first volume about employee surveys in the Professional Practice series was published in 1996 and reflected state of the art methodology for the time. But survey approaches of the 1990s were constrained by distribution options—namely paper and pencil. When the second survey volume was published in 2006, electronic distribution methods had become standard but brought its own set of concerns regarding the use of technology.

Nearly 15 years later, the use of technology has expanded and a new interest in talent analytics along with it.

Tripled Levels of Poor Mental Health: But There Is Plenty Managers Can Do

Caroline Knight, Sharon K. Parker, and Anita C. Keller

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Never before have so many people been forced to work from home so rapidly. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, how, where, and when work is done has changed massively in the space of weeks, often with little planning. It is not hard to imagine some of the challenges workers have faced: new routines need to be established; some people have been home schooling their children during the working day; and partners need to negotiate home working space. Further, some workers are worried they will lose their job and become part of the large and growing numbers of unemployed.1 It is therefore imperative to understand the mental health of people working from home and how to design such work to be healthy.

Even beyond the current situation, it is crucial to understand how to design remote work to protect and enhance worker well-being. Many companies are now jumping on the “flexible work bandwagon” because they have realized such practices can be effective. To ensure such flexible working is sustainable into the future, it is important to ensure they are designed to be psychologically healthy.

Community in a Time of Crisis

Anonym 0 1695 Article rating: 5.0

The world has changed. In a matter of weeks, we went from going about our daily lives to staying at home, observing the mounting death toll and economic impacts from COVID-19, and, just recently, watching people pour into the streets around the country and world to call for justice in the wake of more sad and senseless violence against the African-American community.  Through all the turmoil and uncertainty, it is important that the SIOP community continue to come together, convening around our shared concern as I-O psychology professionals for the well-being of humans and smarter workplaces.

SIOP Research Access: An Instrumental Service Worth Adding to Your Membership

Martin Royal and Tara Myers

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The scientific foundation of I-O psychology is what sets us apart from other practitioners. For many I-O psychologists, access to an academic library is lost when we finish school. Still, we need to stay abreast of our field and keep our knowledge and skills sharp. We also need access to solid, useful resources. Practitioners may use literature sources when working on tasks such as:



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