Boosting Job Performance When Working from Home: Four Key Strategies Anita C. Keller, Caroline Knight, Sharon K. Parker Barbara Ruland / Tuesday, June 30, 2020 0 15700 Article rating: 5.0 The outbreak of COVID-19 forced many companies to adopt remote work practices, including many who traditionally did not support flexible work arrangements. Several of these companies have now embraced remote working, claiming people’s productivity during this time means they will allow more flexibility in the future. But are managers prepared for such a shift? Do organizations have in place what is needed for workers to be productive at home over the much longer haul? Read more
Caught in the Middle: 10 Tips for Managers Leading From Home Tammy D. Allen, University of South Florida and Mark L. Poteet, Organizational Research & Solutions Barbara Ruland / Tuesday, May 5, 2020 0 14300 Article rating: 5.0 Since millions of workers have shifted to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, managers are currently faced with full time remote work themselves as well as the task of supervising remote employees who may never have worked remotely before. Managers can be “caught in the middle” – working to meet the expectations of their bosses while managing the performance and concerns of their teams. The two of us have conducted research on remote work (Tammy) and coached leaders during the pandemic (Mark). Below we offer tips for managers who are leading from home. Read more