We Want Open Science in I-O! ...Do We? Vinay Patel and Joe Meyer, Louisiana Tech University Meredith Turner / Friday, January 11, 2019 0 3440 Article rating: 5.0 What is science? Is it a conglomeration of gray-haired men and women swirling around questionable concoctions in a test tube, a group of gung-ho graduate students running statistics, or is it a practice aimed at achieving the “greater good”- whatever that is? These are all relevant reflections when considering the implications of what has been labeled as “open science,” or open-sourced scientific research.¹ There are many questions surrounding the idea of open science, and we aim to answer a few of them. The major purposes of this article are threefold: Read more
IOTAs David L. Tomczak, The George Washington University Meredith Turner / Monday, January 7, 2019 0 2205 Article rating: No rating Dr. Ann Huffman and Dr. Heidi Wayment, both at Northern Arizona University, were recently awarded a $1.4 million Department of Defense grant for their research on psychological health and resilience of military personnel. The long-range goal of their work is to improve the quality of life for military personnel and they intend to develop a brief self-management app-based intervention that reminds individuals of the characteristics of a self-identity rooted in balance and growth (Wayment & Bauer, 2017). Steven Rogelberg's new book, The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance, was named one of the top 10 leadership books to watch for in 2019 by the Washington Post. Read more
Membership Milestones Jayne Tegge Meredith Turner / Monday, January 7, 2019 0 2540 Article rating: No rating Members are the heart and soul of SIOP and are greatly appreciated for their interest and contributions. An impressive list of distinguished members has been with the Society for 25 years or more. To recognize the contributions and loyalty of these dedicated members, SIOP has developed an initiative called the Sterling Circle. Sterling Circle members are honored in several ways and can be identified at SIOP events with a special ribbon on their badges. Learn more about the Sterling Circle here. Read more
Members in the Media Mariah Clawson Meredith Turner / Monday, January 7, 2019 0 2346 Article rating: No rating Awareness of I-O psychology has been on the rise thanks to articles written and featuring our SIOP members. These are member media mentions found from September 1 through December 1, 2018. We scan the media on a regular basis but sometimes articles fall through our net. If we’ve missed your or a colleague’s media mention, please send them to us! We push them on our social media and share them in this column, which you can use to find potential collaborators, spark ideas for research, and keep up with your fellow I-O practitioners. Read more
Plan Now to Attend the 2019 SIOP Preconference Consortia! Meredith Turner / Monday, January 7, 2019 0 2239 Article rating: No rating SIOP is continuing its efforts to create career pipelines for ALL members. On Wednesday April 3, 2019 the SIOP Consortia Committee will host four partially integrated consortia that will help meet the educational and development goals of all in attendance. An overarching goal of the consortia is to provide a socialization experience and networking opportunity to graduate students and early career professionals embarking on their career pathways. Thus, we are continuing the 3-decade tradition of hosting consortia to graduate students (Master’s Consortium and Doctoral Consortium), the more recently added Junior Faculty Consortium, and our most recent addition, the Early Career Practitioner Consortium! Read more