Do you have colleagues that don't know what SIOP is? These new videos might help!
Recently, we created short promotional videos explaining what is SIOP and Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Specifically, these videos feature SIOP members talking all about I-O: what it is, what they do, and what can be done with it. You can check out the videos here:
As can be seen, a lot of work – and a lot of help from a lot of people – went into creating these videos. It was important to us to highlight the breadth of what I-O Psychologists do and who we are. To this end, we included professors (from both psychology and business departments), external and government consultants, internal practitioners, and graduate students. Additionally, it was also important to us that these videos reflect the diversity within our field. The stories these presenters tell show the range of what it is I-O Psychologists do and study.
In the short term, these videos can be used for a variety of purposes. For instance, instructors can use these videos to introduce our field to students who don’t yet know it but want to learn about it (which is a primary goal of GIT). We as a field often lament that undergraduate students don’t learn about I-O in their classes; showing these videos can be a quick and easy way to spread the word. But we don’t have to limit ourselves just to students; these videos can be used to help convey what our field is to others including colleagues, organizations – even friends and family! Help get the word out by spreading these videos to your networks!
Long term, a goal of these videos is to show them to the APA Council of Representatives in an effort create GIT SIOP and I-O Psychology in front of all our psychology colleagues and friends. A stronger connection between I-O and the larger field of Psychology will help benefit everyone. We hope to show these videos to the Council at the next meeting in February of 2020. Stay tuned for more details!
What exactly is GIT? Check out our first blog post explaining who we are!
Do you have any other thoughts on how SIOP members can be involved with GIT’s efforts? We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, please feel free to contact anyone from the task force! This blog is maintained by Nick Salter
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