One of our GIT goals over these two years is to create and share I-O content.  The thinking is that by making it easier for Introduction to Psychology textbook authors and publishers to include I-O content, more will do it.  As one of our first steps, the task force, working with the Education and Training Committee and the Textbook Subcommittee, has updated our collection of 1-page summaries on I-O topics to include a Creative Commons license. 

What is a Creative Commons License?

A Creative Commons license lets licensees know they may use this material in whole or in part; in exchange, we ask users to share a few pieces of information: give appropriate credit (we provide a suggested citation), provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. In short, the summaries are offered for use and modification by interested teachers, textbook authors, publishers, and others.

In addition, SIOP is offering boilerplate content for an introductory-level textbook chapter on industrial-organizational psychology. Any authors, publishers, and teachers are invited to use and modify the chapter. We hope that by sharing this chapter we’ll remind educators to talk about I-O psychology, make it easier to incorporate the whole chapter or parts of it into new introductory psychology textbooks, and provide materials that others than modify, share, and promote.

Where Can I Go to Find These I-O Summaries?

The I-O summaries that are free to use under the Creative Commons liscense are located on the SIOP website:

Stay tuned for even more teaching materials that we’ll be creating and sharing via the SIOP website. And, thanks to all the volunteers to wrote, edited, and promoted our summaries and chapter!

What exactly is GIT?  Check out our first blog post explaining who we are!

Do you have any other thoughts on how SIOP members can be involved with GIT’s efforts?  We would love to hear from you!  If you have any questions, ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, please feel free to contact anyone from the task force!  This blog is maintained by Nick Salter

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