GIT Blog | All posts published by author 'Nicholas Salter' — Page 2

Nicholas Salter's Articles

Aiming for the Early Learners of I-O Psychology

Right now, high school Psychology students don't always learn about I-O Psychology.  However, that might be changing! Many students’ first exposure to psychology comes during their formative years in high school. In a high school Introductory Psychology class, students get an overview of the discipline, similar to what they hear in undergraduate classes, though geared towards high school students. Perhaps not surprisingly, I-O is an area that sometimes (perhaps most of the time) does not get much coverage in these classes. In 1999, the American Psychological Association (APA) Board of Educational Affairs put forward the original National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula. The standards include coverage of seven content domains, including Scientific Inquiry, Biopsychology, Development and Learning, Sociocultural Context, Cognition, Individual Variation, and Applications of Psychological Science. If you are interested in learning more about the standards follow the link ...

What Do the Students Say?

The goal of GIT is to help more students learn about I-O Psychology in their Introductory Psychology courses (by adding the topic to textbooks).  For this blog post, I wanted to hear from a student that had this experience.  How can learning about I-O in Intro affect students’ academic careers and post-college plans? Enter Isaac Lindquist, current I-O graduate student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.  Isaac first learned about I-O back in his undergraduate Intro Psych class.  As you’ll see below, Isaac was originally a business major, but learned about I-O in his Intro Psych course and in it found a new way to work with businesses beyond what he was learning in his business courses. Below is an interview I (Nick Salter) conducted with Isaac: Nick:  What did you think of I-O Psychology when you first learned about it in your Intro Psyc class?  What were your first impressions? Isaac: I was first actually a Business Adm ...

GIT is Featured on the Department 12 Podcast!

Recently, I (Nick Salter) was asked to speak about the GIT Task Force on the Department 12 podcast.  In this interview, I spoke with Ben Butina about who we are, what we have done so far, and we hope to accomplish.  Check it out!

While you are there, check out all the cool information about I-O on the Department 12 website.

What exactly is GIT?  Check out our first blog post explaining who we are!

Do you have any other thoughts on how SIOP members can be involved with GIT’s efforts?  We would love to hear from you!  If you have any questions, ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, please feel free to contact anyone from the task force!  This blog is maintained by Nick Salter

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I-O Content Now Available with Creative Commons License

One of our GIT goals over these two years is to create and share I-O content.  The thinking is that by making it easier for Introduction to Psychology textbook authors and publishers to include I-O content, more will do it.  As one of our first steps, the task force, working with the Education and Training Committee and the Textbook Subcommittee, has updated our collection of 1-page summaries on I-O topics to include a Creative Commons license.  What is a Creative Commons License? A Creative Commons license lets licensees know they may use this material in whole or in part; in exchange, we ask users to share a few pieces of information: give appropriate credit (we provide a suggested citation), provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. In short, the summaries are offered for use and modification by interested teachers, textbook authors, publishers, and others. In addition, SIOP is offering boilerplate content for an introductory-level textbook chapter ...

What can YOU do for GIT?

It seems that the SIOP membership is excited for GIT! After the first GIT Blog post, we have received a lot of positive feedback from SIOP members.  People are enthusiastic about this new initiative, supportive of its success, and most of all: interested to know “how can I help?”  SIOP members want to see I-O Psychology featured in Introduction to Psychology textbooks, and they want to help make it happen. Talk with Faculty who Teach Introduction to Psychology: Do any of your colleagues currently teach the class?  Do they include any I-O content in the course? If not, you can start by just asking them why they don’t.   Many instructors don’t include I-O because they believe it is “less important” than other areas of Psychology.  But you can remind your colleagues about how in-demand our field is; US News and World Report recently listed I-O as the #2 best science job, #19 best STEM job, ...

Welcome to the GIT Blog!

Welcome to the Getting I-O into Intro Textbooks (GIT SIOP) Task Force Blog! One of the initiatives of Talya Bauer’s new SIOP presidency is to include I-O Psychology into Intro Psyc Textbooks.  Currently, very few Intro Psyc textbooks include the topic, which contributes to a general lack of awareness of our field by many.  Therefore, the Getting I-O into Intro Textbooks (GIT SIOP) Task Force was created.  Chaired by Joe Allen (University of Nebraska Omaha), members of the task force include Georgia Chao (Michigan State University), Jen Gibson (Fors Marsh Group), Deborah DiazGranados (Virginia Commonwealth University), Roni Reiter-Palmon (University of Nebraska Omaha), and Nick Salter (Hofstra University). The formal charge of this task force (written by Talya Bauer) is as follows: The overarching task force goal is to increase the awareness and inclusion of IO psyc ...

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