
Volume 56     Number 4 

Spring 2019       

Editor: Tara Behrend

Membership Milestones

Jayne Tegge

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Members are the heart and soul of SIOP and are greatly appreciated for their interest and contributions. Here are the newest members of SIOP, the newest members of the 25+ years of membership club, and the latest members to upgrade from Associate to Full Member. Thanks to them all!

SIOP’s Teaching Resources: A Report From the Education and Training Committee

Thaddeus Rada-Bayne, Augsburg University, Marissa Shuffler, Clemson University

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The start of 2019 finds the Education and Training (E&T) Committee engaged in a variety of efforts to provide support to teachers in a diverse array of settings. In this update, we would like to highlight some of the resources that the Teaching Tools (TT) subcommittee of E&T oversees. We would also like to solicit feedback on how access to these materials could be improved to reach the widest audience possible.

Lead and Shape the Future of Assessment by Attending the LEC

Nikki Blacksmith, U.S. Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Sciences, Doug Reynolds, DDI, John Scott, APTMetrics

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Technology-enhanced assessments for selection and development have increasingly flourished over the past several decades. Sophisticated assessment programs that weren’t possible even a few years ago can now be assembled and launched on a global scale to measure almost any attribute in any language with greater realism, efficiency, and precision than ever before. As a new generation of technology-driven applications comes of age, a host of new issues and opportunities have emerged which require assessment professionals to respond with an informed perspective that balances business’s return-on-investment priorities with appropriate professional and scientific rigor.

Funding SIOP’s First $100K Visionary Grant

Milton D. Hakel, SIOP Foundation President

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As I write this column, we are just one month away from the 2019 SIOP Conference, where we will be announcing the first Visionary Grant Call for Proposals.  The $100,000 grant will be funded, like so much other work, by I-O professionals and their friends and supporters.  But this is the first venture in which crowd-sourcing and donor-direction play major roles.

Living Wage Research Is Alive and Kicking—and not Just About Subsistence: A Rejoinder to Reburn et al.

Stuart C. Carr, Mary O’Neill Berry, John C. Scott, & Darrin Hodgetts Project GLOW (Global Living Organizational Wage)

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The purpose of this article is to provide an alternate perspective to the state of living wage research found in Reburn, Moyer, Knebel, and Bowler (2018).   These authors (cl)aimed to “hope to inspire research into the motivational impact associated with Living wage” (2018, p. 1).  However, that research is already well under way, in applied psychology (Smith, 2015), across SIOP (Scott, 2017), in SIOP publications (e.g., Gloss, Carr, Reichman, & Abdul-Nasiru, 2016), and by SIOP at the United Nations (e.g., SIOP, 2016; UNDP, 2014).  Our purpose in this collegial rebuttal is not simply to repeat the information already available in these publications and SIOP initiatives that span work and well-being, including occupational health psychology.  Rather, in the spirit of constructive dialogue, we review and propose revisions to Reburn et al.’s (2018) conceptualization, contextualization, and methodology. Closer inspection of extant research on living wages and well-being exposes a range of new ways to contribute nationally within the US, and also internationally toward the humanitarian goal of “Decent Work for All” (https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/sdg-2030/goal-8/lang--en/index.htm).