Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2018 > April


Volume 55     Number 4    Spring 2018      Editor: Tara Behrend

Members in the Media

Barb Ruland

Meredith Turner 0 4051 Article rating: No rating

More people are becoming aware of I-O psychology’s relevance and business benefits. Many SIOP members are helping raise the profession’s visibility, and these are the media mentions we found from November 27, 2017 through January 31, 2018.

We scan the media on a regular basis but don’t catch everything.  So, please feel free to send us your media mentions. We amplify them on social media and share them in this column. Use the column to look for project collaborators, spark ideas for research programs, and keep up with your colleagues.

Introducing SIOP’s Committee for the Advancement of Professional Ethics (CAPE)

Deirdre Knapp and Joel Lefkowitz

Meredith Turner 0 4367 Article rating: No rating

In April 2017, SIOP’s executive board approved formation of a Committee for the Advancement of Professional Ethics (CAPE).   In addition to Deirdre Knapp as Chair, the initial committee members—representing practice, research and/or academic areas--are Joe Allen, George Banks, James Grand, Paul Green, Amy Grubb, and Joel Lefkowitz. Rodney Lowman is involved in an advisory capacity, but his primary role will be serving on the recently announced APA Ethics Code Revision Task Force (ECTF).

Foundation Spotlight: Are There Too Many Awards?

Milton D. Hakel, PhD

Meredith Turner 0 2813 Article rating: No rating

What is the best number of awards for SIOP to present? 

It seems like a simple question.  How many are there?  Would you believe 21?

Ok, here’s the list: The Dunnette Prize leads off, because it is the biggest ($50,000) and has just been presented for the second time, this year to Thomas Bouchard, and in 2015 to Frank Schmidt.

SIOP Awards Opening Soon!

Cindy McCauley, Chair Awards Committee

Meredith Turner 0 2827 Article rating: No rating

The call for nominations for SIOP and SIOP Foundation awards, scholarships, and research grants opens at the annual conference. Don’t miss this opportunity to submit your research project for an award or grant, apply for scholarship funding to help with the expense of carrying out your dissertation research, or nominate a deserving colleague for one of SIOP’s Distinguished Awards!

Below is a list of the available awards, scholarships, research grants, and the Joyce and Thayer fellowship. For detailed information on the criteria and documentation required, and to submit your nomination or application please click here.