Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2017 > January


Volume 54     Number 3    January 2017      Editor: Tara Behrend

SIOP in Washington: Advocating for I-O in Federal Public Policy

Jill Bradley-Geist and Laura Uttley

Meredith Turner 0 1721 Article rating: No rating

Resulting from the recent U.S. election results, Donald Trump is to be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States in January 2017.  Although candidate Trump expressed some clear positions for his term, the public is aware of the general contours but not in-depth specifics on other positions and policy-related issues.  Existing congressional Republican priorities and policies may, but are not certain to, be adopted by the Trump White House.

Really, I Come Here for The Food: Sex as a BFOQ for Restaurant Servers

Michael Aamodt

Meredith Turner 0 12095 Article rating: 3.0

I recently saw that a discrimination lawsuit had been filed involving a defense that sex was a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) for restaurant servers (Rafael Ortiz v. DMD Florida Restaurant Group, 2016).  I immediately thought of the Hooters cases that are part of the I-O lore and thought that this might be a good time to review these restaurant BFOQ cases. This discussion is limited to restaurant cases for two reasons: (a) They are the most interesting, and (b) a review of the other cases (e.g., sex as a BFOQ for prison guards1 or home health attendants) would far exceed the TIP space limitations and probably the readers’ attention span as well.2  


Before I get into the case review, however, I want to review the definition of a BFOQ and provide additional context around the BFOQ defense.

I-O Graduate Programs Ranking: Update

Nicholas P. Salter, Joseph A. Allen, Allison S. Gabriel, David Sowinski, and Loren Naidoo

Meredith Turner 0 2662 Article rating: 4.0

In the summer 2016 issue of TIP (Salter et al., 2016), we put out a Call for Proposals for updated I-O graduate program rankings. In this call, we were looking for new and unique methodologies for ranking I-O graduate programs that reflect the diversity of values and strengths across our field. We are pleased to announce we have conditionally accepted five proposals. Each of these teams will now conduct their project (which we hope all SIOP members will help with once data collection begins); we anticipate the final rankings will be published in the summer 2018 issue of TIP.

Overview of Results From the 2016 Income and Employment Survey

Amy DuVernet, Mark Poteet, Brandy Parker, Kate Conley, and Anne Herman

Meredith Turner 0 5258 Article rating: No rating

Have you been wondering about the latest SIOP salary report?

Itching to leverage data and insights in order to make your next move?

Hoping for some fresh numbers against which to benchmark or to cite when approaching your employer about that well-deserved raise?


Good news! These data have been collected and are now available in a variety of formats. Read on to learn more about key findings and trends found in the 2014 and 2015 income, benefits, and employment-related survey data. For those of you looking for more detail, the most recent technical report is available here and provides an in-depth reporting of the data collection effort, analyses, and results. For those who’d prefer a quick snapshot of the results, a summary of the major findings are visualized in an accompanying infographic available here. Finally, we’ve planned two additional articles to provide a deep dive into the major correlates of income data as well as gaps in the incomes reported by various subgroups.

100 Years of Titles in the Journal of Applied Psychology

Kyle McNeal, Jordan Stoeger, and Amanda Kreun

Meredith Turner 0 2110 Article rating: No rating

To commemorate the centennial of the Journal of Applied Psychology, we analyzed 9,515 article titles to examine how JAP titles have changed over the last 100 years. We found dramatic increases in title length, use of the colon and question mark, and informality over time. We also found small increases in average word length. Leading organizational psychologists, including several current and former JAP editors, provide commentary on the causes and implications of these findings.