The “Bridge” column strives to further connect science and practice by publishing articles on the subject of science and practice integration (see Poteet, Zugec, & Wallace, 2016, for more background information). In this column, we profile Huntington National Bank, a recent winner of the HRM Impact Award. Sponsored by SIOP, the SIOP Foundation, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and the SHRM Foundation, the HRM Impact Award was designed to recognize, reward, and publicize “best available evidence regarding the usefulness and impact of successfully implemented innovative HRM initiatives” (HRM Impact Award, n.d.b, para. 1). To prepare this article, the aforementioned column editors communicated with two SIOP members involved in this project, William Shepherd (“Will”) and Robert Ployhart (“Rob”), to obtain insights on the challenges, lessons learned, and best practices in designing and implementing an evidence-based approach across industry and academics. We begin by providing a description of the project and its results then focus more specifically on the research collaboration between Will (a senior vice president of talent and organizational effectiveness at Huntington Bank at the time) and Rob (a professor at University of South Carolina).