Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2016 > July


Volume 54     Number 1    July 2016      Editor: Tara Behrend

On Being Halfway to Tenure (and Wondering How on Earth That Happened)

Allison S. Gabriel

Meredith Turner 0 2089 Article rating: No rating

Somehow, seemingly overnight, my third year as a professor came to an end this May. By standards for tenure at most universities, this means that I am at the official halfway point of my tenure clock. Really, I’m over the halfway point when you consider the fact that your tenure dossier gets submitted at the beginning of your sixth year, but let’s not lose sight of the main point. The point is—where did the time go?! It’s been 3 years, and a lot has changed, but there is still a lot left to figure out. In light of the benefits of some reflection and evaluation, I figured this would be a good column to take a breather, and take stock, on what I kind of know and where I still need to go en route to associate professor status—at least, here’s hoping!

The Bridge: Connecting Science and Practice

Lynda Zugec, Craig Wallace, and Mark L. Poteet

Meredith Turner 0 2258 Article rating: No rating

The purpose of the “Bridge” column is to provide an additional conduit, building upon SIOP’s current efforts, for connecting science and practice. The column strives to accomplish this by publishing various types of article content on the subject of science and practice integration; for example, case studies of effective practice; discussions between scientists and practitioners on a relevant topic, reviews of the key scientific and practical implications of a topic area; summaries of latest research findings and their implications for practice; summaries of key practice issues and their implications for needed research; and/or, calls for research to help practitioners overcome challenges associated with effective practice (please see Poteet, Zugec, & Wallace, 2016, for more background information on the column).

Getting to Know SIOP’s Award Winners

Liberty Munson and Garett Howardson

Meredith Turner 0 2399 Article rating: No rating

A few months ago, I opened an email from Tara, the new TIP editor. In it, she shared some thoughts on possible new features for TIP and was looking for people who might be interested in writing some of these articles. One idea grabbed my attention—feature stories on SIOP’s award winners.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Romania

Andrei Ion, Coralia Sulea, Alexandra Ilie, Dan Ispas, and Dragos Iliescu

Meredith Turner 0 2478 Article rating: No rating

There is much going on with work and organizational psychology around the globe. This issue, we take a peek inside Romania. As the contributors note, the history of Romanian psychology dates back to the beginning of the 20th century when Romanian industrial and organizational psychology played a pivotal role in ensuring the continuity of psychological practice, even in the most adverse social and political contexts. The contributors sketch for us the evolution of Romanian industrial and organizational psychology and delineate the educational, research and professional practice milestones attained over a century of psychology. Interested readers are referred to Landy (1986), Pitariu (1992), and Iliescu, Ispas and Ilie (2007) for more information on industrial and organization psychology in Romania.

Cultivating a Future of Meaningful, Impactful, and Transparent Research

Jessica M. Nicklin, Jennifer L. Gibson, and James Grand

Meredith Turner 0 2387 Article rating: No rating

We live in an ever changing world where technology, globalization, the economy, and the way in which we work are constantly evolving. Our research practices, while slower, are no exception. With advances in methodology, statistical programs, analytic techniques, and theoretical developments our field is continuously moving forward. In order to help SIOP members meet the demands of the future, The Scientific Affairs Committee organized two panels addressing a variety of issues concerning research in Industrial / Organizational Psychology. Jennifer Gibson facilitated a session entitled: “Impact of Research Reproducibility and Study Registration on I/O Psychology,” with the following esteemed panelists: Frank Bosco, Jose Cortina, Ronald Landis, and Gilad Chen. The primary goal of this panel was to provide a platform for leaders in the field to discuss trends in study registration and research reproducibility, publication bias, and the accumulation of scientific knowledge.