For many of us, SIOP’s annual conference is the central justification for our being involved in this organization—and we’ll demonstrate this point by referring to that conference as “SIOP” through the rest of this column to no ill effect. Watch:
Going to SIOP is many things: exhilarating, rewarding, expensive, daunting, eye opening, exhausting. Because of this combination, it is perhaps like Disney World—
one has to decide whether to expend the resources to go and, once there, one may want to have a game plan regarding how to use the limited (and expensive!) time one has to maximum effect. So the second part of this article is something like the unofficial guide to SIOP for everyone from graduate students to late-career professionals, but the first part is the argument for going to SIOP in the first place. Instead of just stating our opinions, we sought input from a range of subject matter experts with moderate to high immersion in the I-O world who have attended SIOP as little as one or as many as “more than 10” times. Our modest sample included 11 interviewees, with a mix of academics and professionals.