Featured Articles

Max. Classroom Capacity: Teaching Through the Lens of Research on Training and Learning

Loren J. Naidoo and Nick Salter

Meredith Turner 0 1456 Article rating: No rating

Dear readers, for this issue I am pleased to invite Kenneth G. Brown, 2015 winner of the SIOP Distinguished Teaching Contributions Award, to share some of his thoughts on teaching. Ken is the Ralph L. Sheets Professor of Management and associate dean of the Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa. Ken is an award-winning scholar and teacher with longstanding interests in learning and motivation. He is a fellow of SIOP and APS and former editor-in-chief of Academy of Management Learning and Education, the premiere educational journal in the business disciplines. Ken was voted three times as the Student’s Choice for Faculty Excellence in the Tippie College. He also won the highest teaching honor bestowed at the University of Iowa, the President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence. I’m delighted to welcome Ken to Max. Classroom Capacity!

On the Legal Front: EEOC Embraces the O-Side

Rich Tonowski

Meredith Turner 0 1549 Article rating: No rating

Traditionally the Legal Front has had an “industrial” (I-side) focus: selection practices, statistics, and how these play out in civil rights litigation. But here is something for our “organizational” (O-side) colleagues: the transformation of organizations. The federal government is promoting the interest.

Learning About Learning: The Organization of Corporate Training

Amy DuVernet and Tom Whelan

Meredith Turner 0 1594 Article rating: 5.0

In our first column, we discussed how our traditional conceptions of what falls under the umbrella of “training” may represent a somewhat narrow view of the space, compared to the range of activities that fall under the purview of learning and development (L&D) functions. Similarly, conventional perspectives on how training departments are structured may also be incomplete. For example, traditional thinking often places training personnel in an organization's human resources (HR) department.

GOHWP: Who We Are, Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Headed

Ashley Hoffman and Laura Sywulak

Meredith Turner 0 1879 Article rating: No rating

From its inception, the idea of humanitarian work psychology seemed to be fairly compelling to a great deal of I-O psychologists. Whether it was the idea of professionally contributing to a global issue, or bringing a new level of meaning to work, or even a calling that demanded fulfillment, the number of people captivated by the intersection of I-O psychology and the greater good was significant. In fact, when the Global Organisation for Humanitarian Work Psychology put out the call for founding members, nearly 90 like-minded individuals from around the world joined immediately. From there, GOHWP has continued to attract members from across the globe, working in multiple disciplines, with varied professional interests. It is our hope that with this column, we can update our readers about the current state of GOHWP membership, some of the interesting projects our members have shared with us, an update on our membership benefits survey progress, and a roadmap of where we are going from here.

Lost in Translation: Practical Recommendations for Communicating the Value of I-O Psychology

Andrew Collmus and Michael Litano

Jim Rebar 0 1686 Article rating: No rating

Lost in Translation is an eight-part TIP series designed to help I-O psychologists translate their knowledge and experiences into actionable behaviors that can easily be understood by those unfamiliar with the field. Each column will focus on a new topic within I-O psychology that may be difficult to effectively communicate in the field. Our goal is to provide practical recommendations for graduate students, early career professionals, and/or any I-O psychologist hoping to increase their day-to-day effectiveness at work. To achieve this, we are conducting a series of surveys and interviews within SIOP community and relaying the advice and experiences of I-O professionals to you, the SIOP community and TIP readership. We plan to maximize the use of TIP’s innovative new html formatting by providing interactive polls, graphics, and embedded video interviews



Information on this website, including articles, white papers, and other resources, is provided by SIOP staff and members. We do not include third-party content on our website or in our publications, except in rare exceptions such as paid partnerships.