Featured Articles

Community in a Time of Crisis

Anonym 0 1705 Article rating: 5.0

The world has changed. In a matter of weeks, we went from going about our daily lives to staying at home, observing the mounting death toll and economic impacts from COVID-19, and, just recently, watching people pour into the streets around the country and world to call for justice in the wake of more sad and senseless violence against the African-American community.  Through all the turmoil and uncertainty, it is important that the SIOP community continue to come together, convening around our shared concern as I-O psychology professionals for the well-being of humans and smarter workplaces.

SIOP Research Access: An Instrumental Service Worth Adding to Your Membership

Martin Royal and Tara Myers

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The scientific foundation of I-O psychology is what sets us apart from other practitioners. For many I-O psychologists, access to an academic library is lost when we finish school. Still, we need to stay abreast of our field and keep our knowledge and skills sharp. We also need access to solid, useful resources. Practitioners may use literature sources when working on tasks such as:

American Psychological Foundation Upcoming Deadlines

Anonym 0 2002 Article rating: 5.0

American Psychological Foundation 
Apply online for all programs here:
FAQ: https://0-www-apa-org.library.alliant.edu/apf/funding/grants/faqs
Questions? Email APF’s program coordinator, Julia, at jwatson@apa.org .

Upcoming Deadlines

Sharon Stephens Brehm Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships: $5,000
Due July 1, 2020
APF’s only undergraduate program. The Brehm Undergraduate Scholarship Program will provide assistance to students majoring in psychology with demonstrated financial need. International students and students who are undocumented are welcome to apply.

Nominate by June 30!

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SIOP and the SIOP Foundation have a rich history of awarding deserving individuals and groups for research that advances the field of industrial and organizational psychology. This tradition continues with the 2021 slate of awards, open now for nominations. New this year, the Awards Committee created an interactive poster with all of the awards, grants, and scholarships to help you decide which one(s) might apply to you. 

Find the open awards and criteria at https://0-www-siop-org.library.alliant.edu/Foundation/Awards. Nominations for awards, research grants, and scholarships close on June 30, so nominate yourself or a worthy colleague now.

Something for Everyone!

Anonym 0 1569 Article rating: No rating

The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (TIP) has always prided itself on its broad appeal, including articles and items for all members of the I-O community. If you haven’t accessed TIP lately, here are some of the most recent articles, labeled to make it easier than ever to find information relevant to your work and your interests



Information on this website, including articles, white papers, and other resources, is provided by SIOP staff and members. We do not include third-party content on our website or in our publications, except in rare exceptions such as paid partnerships.