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Amber Stark

Reminder: Nominations for SIOP Executive Board Positions Are Due Sept. 30

SIOP is accepting nominations now through midnight ET on September 30 for Executive Board positions that will be open in spring 2025.

Visit the nomination webpage to cast your nominations for the following positions:

The President-Elect appoints the chairs of all committees for the next administrative year unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws or other SIOP policy. In some cases, committee chairs-in-training are appointed. Additionally, the President-Elect is responsible for on-boarding new members of the Executive Board and training of committee chairs.

External Affairs Officer
The External Affairs Officer has executive oversight of establishing, developing, and maintaining relationships between SIOP and other organizations, including APA Divisions, SHRM, and international I-O organizations (e.g., EAWOP, British Psychological Society, and SIOPSA).

Instructional and Educational Officer
The Instructional and Educational Officer has executive oversight of programs and activities to support those who teach industrial-organizational psychology and promotes education of current and future industrial-organizational psychologists.

Professional Practice Officer
The Professional Practice Officer has executive oversight for organizational activities that support the practice of I-O psychology in organizational and work settings, such as the Consultant Locator, contributing to guidelines for professional practice, and providing input to the planning and execution of conferences and publications.

Nominations are an essential part of ensuring strong leadership for the future. SIOP elections are focused on positive and civil communication. Fairness and openness are greatly valued during this process. These fundamentals reflect and amplify the positive culture of I-O psychology as a profession.

Thank you for helping us shape the future of SIOP by nominating qualified candidates for SIOP offices.

SIOP Election Committee Procedures | SIOP Officer Roles | Bylaws (Article V. Section 3.d.)


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