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Amber Stark

APA Engagement Opportunities Available

Council of Representative Elections, Board of Director Nominations, Board of Scientific Affairs Task Force Nominations

A message from the SIOP APA Council Representatives:
Volunteering within APA is a great way to stay connected with the larger community of psychology. Consider adding your voice. The more members we have involved, the greater our voice within APA. A list of just a few of the activities within APA in which SIOP members have been involved over the past year is included toward the end of this article. Please feel free to contact one of the current APA Council Representatives for more information and/or interest in getting involved.

Council of Representative Elections Close May 14

Six SIOP members have been nominated as candidates for the APA Council of Representatives. SIOP members who are also voting APA members will elect 2 candidates to serve 3-year terms on the APA Council of Representatives. The election is being conducted by the APA and ballots have been sent out. Voting closes Friday, May 14, and results are expected in June.

Visit the SIOP APA Vote webpage to learn more about the candidates.

The Council of Representatives is the legislative body of APA and has full power and authority over the affairs and funds of the association, including the power to review, upon its own initiative, the actions of any board, committee, division, or affiliated organization. Council is composed of representatives of divisions, representatives of state, provincial, and territorial psychological associations, and the members of the APA Board of Directors.

Like SIOP, APA uses the Hare system where candidates are selected in rank order. The top vote recipients after the Hare system is complete will become our new APA representatives. The winning candidates will also serve as a member of SIOP’s Executive Board and take office January 1, 2022. SIOP’s current APA representatives are Tammy D. Allen, Jeffrey McHenry, Gavan O'Shea, and Sara P. Weiner. Dr. Allen and Dr. Weiner will complete their terms in December 2021.

Call for Nominations: 2022 APA Board of Directors (Deadline: May 21, 2021)

Nominations are sought for two Member-at-Large positions on the 2022 APA Board of Directors. The term of service for all positions is January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2024. Newly elected Board members will also attend the Board meeting in early December 2021.

More information, including desired qualities for nominees, responsibilities, honoraria, and application instructions, can be found in the Call for Nominations: 2022 Board of Directors.

The deadline to submit a nomination is May 21, 2021.

Call for Nominations: Board of Scientific Affairs Task Force on Inequities in Academic Tenure and Promotion (Deadline: May 30, 2021)

Nominations are sought for the Board of Scientific Affairs Task Force on Inequities in Academic Tenure and Promotion. The task force will consist of 6 to 8 members, plus a liaison from the Board of Scientific Affairs. APA anticipates that task force will have 8 to 12 virtual meetings and produce a brief report over the course of one year. Nominations may originate from individuals (including self-nominations), APA boards and committees, divisions, and state, provincial, and territorial psychological associations (SPTAs).

More information, including the task force mission, nominee qualifications, and application instructions, can be found in the Call for Nominations: Board of Scientific Affairs Task Force on Inequities in Academic Tenure and Promotion.

The deadline to submit a nomination is May 30, 2021.

There are many opportunities for SIOP members to get involved in APA; here are just a few of the activities within APA in which SIOP members have been involved over the past year:

  • Representation of Applied Psychology within APA Governance: In 2020, the APA Board approved a 3-year Exploratory Committee on Applied Psychology (ECAP) that is representing applied psychology within APA governance and will be making a recommendation to the Board and to the Council of Representatives for a permanent Board. 
  • APA Teamwork and Transformation: Applied psychologists have been serving as pro bono advisors to APA leaders and staff to help them align their work to the new APA strategic objectives.
  • Public Interest and Advocacy Work: APA has solicited applied psychologists to help craft APA statements on a wide range of issues and to talk with reporters doing stories on issues where applied psychologists have deep expertise. Work is also underway to make it easier for APA to identify applied psychology experts who can be available for talking points for APA communications, advocacy work, and media interviews.
  • APA Resolution on Racism: Applied psychologists were deeply involved in writing the criminal justice and workplace sections of the resolution, both as senior authors and as key contributors.
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