Amber Stark / Tuesday, February 2, 2021 / Categories: Items of Interest, SIOP Source Action Steps Adopted to Support SIOP’s New Strategic Plan In fall 2020, the SIOP Executive Board announced the adoption of a new Strategic Plan to guide SIOP through the coming 3 years. Now the Executive Board is pleased to share finer details regarding how the plan will be shepherded into action. “After nearly a year in the making, the Executive Board has approved an ambitious, new 3-year Strategic Plan to guide SIOP’s future. This is a strong sign that we are moving forward and that we are resolved to do new and better things for all our members and to those who benefit from the science and practice of I-O psychology,” said SIOP President Georgia Chao. SIOP has a vision of “science and practice transforming work that builds effective organizations and promotes worker well-being” and a mission to “enhance human well-being and performance in organizational and work settings by promoting the science, practice, and teaching of industrial-organizational psychology.” In this pursuit, SIOP developed four strategic goals, each with four to five objectives describing how the goal will be realized. As a reminder, the four strategic goals are confronting real-world problems; building a diverse, inclusive, and agile SIOP; gathering, energizing and aligning for impact; and generating future I-O psychology capabilities. At the Executive Board meeting last month, SIOP leadership set the plan into motion with the approval of numerous action steps for each of the objectives. Major themes of the action steps include content and resource review and creation, membership and leadership pipeline development, and identifying and overcoming barriers to a more diverse and inclusive SIOP. The Executive Board is actively identifying owners for these priorities and determining resource needs. These steps will help to guide the plan forward while also remaining flexible and adaptable to new opportunities or external factors. The complete list of action steps is available for members only on the SIOP Mission webpage (log in to access). More will be shared as progress is made on the action steps. Previous Article Decision Making and Your Mental Hygiene Next Article New Professional Membership Dues Rate Effective March 1 Print 3019 Rate this article: No rating Tags: Strategic Plan Comments are only visible to subscribers.