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Jenny Baker
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Members in the Media

Mariah Clawson and Jen Baker

Awareness of I-O psychology has been on the rise thanks to articles written and featuring our SIOP members. Many of these articles and other mentions are in reference to the coronavirus pandemic. These are member media mentions found from March 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020.

We scan the media on a regular basis but sometimes articles fall through our net. If we’ve missed your or a colleague’s media mention, please send them to us! We push them on our social media and share them in this column, which you can use to find potential collaborators, spark ideas for research, and keep up with your fellow I-O practitioners.

Covid 19 Related Items

Work From Home

Kristen Shockley says it’s important to create boundaries while working from home: http://ow.ly/OjNG50yMIil

Nancy Doyle gives advice for managing remote working: http://ow.ly/HLra50yPcia

Sara Petty says stick to a work schedule and take breaks while #WFH: https://baylor.edu/mediacommunications/news.php?action=story&story=218174…

Brent Stevenor says it's important to give yourself time to recover during the evenings so that you may feel refreshed and ready to work the next day: http://ow.ly/vRJ650zdDbS

Laura Hambley suggests trying the best you can to recreate the office environment while #WFH: http://ow.ly/ebcR50zfeE8

Alex Milam discusses the good and bad of working from home: https://bit.ly/3fMMECr

Rachel Williamson Smith gives tips on work from home spaces: https://bit.ly/3fMBb5T

Alyssa Westring and co-author Stewart Friedman created a set of guidelines to help parents manage school and daycare closures: http://ow.ly/4SxE50yPc6x

Christina Maslach says one of the most important resources is to stay connected at a distance: http://ow.ly/HK5350zfeg1

Kimberly Adams talks motivation when working at home: https://cnb.cx/3dV5UwH

Catherine Swody says we should keep some of our Covid-era habits: https://yhoo.it/382Plxn


Organizational Information

Patrick Hyland explains four steps organizations can use to plan for the affects of COVID-19: http://ow.ly/uBlM50yPccN

Marissa Shuffler explains workplace changes brought on by coronavirus: https://bit.ly/3geBaIo

Alice Eagly hopes COVID-19 changes attitudes to the standing of some work, like nursing: https://bbc.com/worklife/article/20200422-will-coronavirus-change-how-we-define-heroes…

Timothy Golden returning to the office won't be business as usual: http://ow.ly/60Ty50zzEBa

Adam Grant predicts there will be more face-to-face contact at the office: http://ow.ly/S2VQ50zzF8c


Coping, Cooperation, and Conflict

Cort Rudolph says the pandemic will not solve intergenerational conflicts: http://ow.ly/bIiZ50yXuv7

Denise Rousseau is fascinated by how people are responding to the pandemic by lifting each other up and being compassionate: http://ow.ly/cvD850yZCWY

Mitchell Marks talks about how to cope during the pandemic: http://ow.ly/PHmh50yZD3X

Adam Grant discusses how to bond virtually with coworkers: http://ow.ly/df6850zzDzn

Betsy Shoenfelt says the HERO Model is a simple and straightforward way to explain effective coping: http://ow.ly/MhOf50zqCM9

David Waldman is critical of the CDC: https://bit.ly/2VBFglY



William Gentry says bosses must teach new leaders to navigate the transition from being part of the team to leading the team: http://ow.ly/djZm50yPdBE

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic says incompetent leaders result in anxious, alienated workers who are underproductive and toxic: http://ow.ly/IJrP50yPdH6

Adam Grant says most bosses are horrible at hiring: https://bit.ly/381ZIBf

Valentina Bruk-Lee and Nathan Hiller provide insights on how leaders can be effective, even when telecommuting: http://ow.ly/jaYz50z2wqo

Timothy Franz and co-author Seth Silver say give advice to leaders wanting to be helpful to their followers during this crisis: http://ow.ly/q9Bn50zfeYR

Justin Black says it's important to identify your main priority: http://ow.ly/dy0w50zfetN


Productivity and Motivation

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic says low engagement can play a large part in the loss in productivity seen worldwide: http://ow.ly/vhwB50yPdaK

Manuel Gonzalez and John Aiello explore whether listening to music at work is a distraction or a performance enhancer: http://ow.ly/CdiP50yPdp3

John Kello says video conferencing comes with challenges that can make colleagues less engaged: http://ow.ly/oGs750zzE2M


Psychological Issues in the Workplace

Cathleen Swody says uncertainty and ambiguity leads to physical and psychological health concerns: http://ow.ly/t7n250z2wJJ

Adam Grant and co-author Rob Rebele urge us to think of others instead of just ourselves: http://ow.ly/7SvR50yPcys

Cathleen Swody says employers who want to retain their employees need to take care of them in their time of need: http://ow.ly/lKaQ50zfeon

Adam Grant says we are often better at giving advice to people other than ourselves: http://ow.ly/Hodp50zfePU

Cathleen Swody says we are learning what affects our mood and becoming more in touch with emotions: http://ow.ly/IgWP50zqCWj

Tunji Oki says managers should be more transparent about allowing their employees to take paid mental health days: http://ow.ly/9JFX50zzEr7

Alyssa Westring says it's okay to acknowledge the fact that dealing with uncertainty is hard: http://ow.ly/EKLy50zzEZZ

Marie Mitchell and Kevin Cruz say being kind and helpful is good for your mind: http://ow.ly/Z50I50zzFrh


Diversity and Inclusion

Bernardo Ferdman hopes inclusion will still be a priority for businesses when the crisis is over: https://apa.org/members/content/small-business-loans-struggle…

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic talks racism in the workplace: https://bit.ly/2NOIvlr


Economic Issues

Nancy Doyle says the economy will need to be restarted from scratch: http://ow.ly/EVY250zfekv

Christiane Spitzmueller and co-authors share results from a survey of industry workforce workers: http://ow.ly/gN9o50zffiP

Bernardo Ferdman explains that he is a businessman as well as an I-O psychologist: https://bit.ly/37RZ3lP


Interviews and Hiring

Adam Grant advises asking behavioral questions in job interviews: http://ow.ly/ldvy50zzEK4

Mike Hudy is on the cutting edge of virtual hiring: https://bit.ly/3fK7G4P

Charles Handler says it's important to ask if AI is really needed or if you're trying to join the crowd: http://ow.ly/xIfm50yPcXs


Other Media Mentions

Alice Eagly discusses the meaning of heroism: https://bbc.in/2zUBP1X

Fred Oswald reveals the importance of cognitive and soft skills: https://bit.ly/2zb57Jp

George Alliger shows the limits of Zoom for teaching: https://bit.ly/3g01R43

Madalyn Blair is named an Empowered Woman of the Year: https://bit.ly/2Nxkr6x

Kevin Eschleman explains the value of hobbies: https://bit.ly/3euGw1z

Orin Davis has tips for planning your path: https://bit.ly/2Zn2Qnv

Deniz Ones talks screenings for police officers: https://bit.ly/3galg1u

Dale Rose writes on the importance of peer feedback: https://bit.ly/2YLEqop


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Information on this website, including articles, white papers, and other resources, is provided by SIOP staff and members. We do not include third-party content on our website or in our publications, except in rare exceptions such as paid partnerships.