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Letter of Solicitation for Research Study Participants

Dear Prospective Participant,
I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Phoenix in the College of Doctoral Studies in the Industrial/Organizational Psychology Program.  I am seeking participants for a study to identify consensus of experts on forward-looking strategies for modifying performance appraisals for aging employees.  To serve on the panel, one should have either 5-10 years’ experience in conducting employee appraisals or be an employee nearing retirement age (55+), or a member of management.  The surveys will take place online via SurveyMonkey. 

Participation will involve completing 3-4 separate surveys over about 4 months; total involvement is about 2 hours.  The first questionnaire should take 45-60 minutes.  The subsequent two rounds should take 20-30 minutes each to complete.  If a fourth round is necessary, it should take 20 minutes.

You can access more information about the study and the first survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W3R7336.  If you have any questions, please contact me.  Kenneth Jenkins either by email at kjenkins09@email.phoenix.edu or by telephone at 804-896-2162. 

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