Anonym / Wednesday, October 2, 2019 / Categories: Items of Interest, Calls and Announcements News from the NSF Social, Behavioral, and Economic Directorate In the last week of September, the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Directorate (SBE) at the National Science Foundation announced the repositioning of some of its basic research programs. The repositioning is intended to allow the SBE to better meet several objectives including responding to new areas of scientific inquiry; communicating the value of basic scientific research; and connecting basic research plans to national priorities. Arthur Lupia, Assistant SBE Director, provided details of the repositioning in a Dear Colleague Letter. The SBE is hosting webinars about the repositioning on October 4 and October 9, and is holding virtual office hours on three occasions later in October. SBE Assistant Director Lupia will walk participants through the proposed changes during each webinar and will be on hand during virtual office hours to answer participant questions after a very brief overview presentation. See the full list of webinar and virtual office hour times available and to register here. For more information, please contact Previous Article Raise I-O Awareness Year-Round with #SmarterWorkplace Resources Next Article Who’s Your I-O Hero? Print 2826 Rate this article: 5.0 Comments are only visible to subscribers.