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Meredith Turner
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Conferences & Meetings

Marianna Horn

Please submit additional entries to Marianna Horn at mhorn@aptmetrics.com.



April 23-26
HRPS Global Conference. Miami, FL. Contact: HRPS, www.hrps.org.

April 27-29
Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando, FL. Contact: SIOP, www.siop.org. (CE credit offered.)

April 26–30
Annual Convention, National Council on Measurement in Education. San Antonio, TX. Contact: NCME, http://www.ncme.org/ncme/NCME/

April 27–May 1
Annual Convention, American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX. Contact: AERA, www.aera.net.

May 17-20
Congress of the European Association of Work and Organization Psychology. Dublin, Ireland. Contact: EAWOP, http://www.eawop2017.org/

May 21-24
Annual Conference of the Association for Talent Development. Atlanta, GA. Contact: ATD, http://www.atdconference.org/

May 25-28
Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. Boston, MA. Contact: APS, www.psychologicalscience.org. (CE credit offered.)

July 29-August 3
Joint Statistical Meetings. Baltimore, MD. Contact: American Statistical Association, www.amstat.org (CE credit offered.)

August 3-6 
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC. Contact: APA, www.apa.org (CE credit offered.)

August 4-8
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM). Atlanta, GA. Contact: AoM, http://aom.org/.

August 17
Workshop: Update on Legal Context for Employment Decisions. Georgia Association for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (GAIOP). Atlanta, GA. Contact: GAIOP, www.gaiop.org. (CE credit offered.)

September 20
Workshop: Best Practices in Organization Mentoring. Georgia Association for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (GAIOP). Atlanta, GA. Contact: GAIOP, www.gaiop.org. (CE credit offered.)

October 9-13
Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Austin, TX. Contact: The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, www.hfes.org. (CE credit offered.)

October 20-21
SIOP 2017 Leading Edge Consortium, Minneapolis, MN. Contact: SIOP, www.siop.org. (CE credit offered.)

November 10
Workshop: Technology-Enabled Assessment: Current and Future Directions. Georgia Association for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (GAIOP). Atlanta, GA. Contact: GAIOP, www.gaiop.org. (CE credit offered.)

November 8-11
Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association. Washington, DC. Contact: AEA, www.eval.org.



March 6-9
Annual Conference of the Southeastern Psychological Association. Charleston, SC. Contact: SEPA, www.sepaonline.com. (CE credit offered.)

April 12-16
Annual Convention, National Council on Measurement in Education. New York, NY. Contact: NCME, http://www.ncme.org/ncme/NCME/

April 13-17
Annual Convention, American Educational Research Association. New York,NY. Contact: AERA, www.aera.net.

April 19-21
Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, IL. Contact: SIOP, www.siop.org. (CE credit offered.)

August 9-12 
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA. Contact: APA, www.apa.org (CE credit offered.)

August 10-14
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM). Chicago, IL. Contact: AoM, http://aom.org/.

Sept 30-Oct 10
Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Philadelphia, PA. Contact: The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, www.hfes.org. (CE credit offered.)

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