Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Mark Peterson

Funding Opportunity: Funding Announcement: Child Care Policy Research Partnership Grants


The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) invites applications for Child Care Policy Research Partnerships (CCPRP) grants. The CCPRP Grant Program supports new research and evaluation activities developed and conducted through partnerships between Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agencies in states, territories, and tribes and researchers from institutions of higher education, research organizations, and other eligible organizations. This opportunity will fund up to eight cooperative agreements to pursue research questions of current relevance to local, state, and national child care policy. These projects will be expected to add to our knowledge about the efficacy of child care subsidy policies and quality improvement initiatives in promoting family economic self-sufficiency, children's healthy development and learning, and support for child care providers. Research topics that are of major interest for this year’s grants include, but are not limited to:

  •   Evidence-informed approaches to meaningfully measure quality in child care programs, with special consideration of equitable standards for various provider types (e.g., family child care providers, providers serving different age groups, and providers offering non-traditional hours of care) 
  •   Building the supply of high-quality child care through targeted investments in the early childhood workforce (e.g., livable wages and benefits that are commensurate with qualifications, education, and professional development) 

Applications are due June 10th, 2022. For more information about this funding opportunity and to subscribe for updates, please see the full announcement on

If you have questions regarding this grant announcement, please email or call 1-877-350-5913.

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