Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

External organizations may use Calls and Announcements to share information relevant to SIOP membership (e.g., topics related to I-O psychology, HR, organizational development, workplace issues, etc.). Posts are free and limited to 300 words. They must be written by the requestor (SIOP cannot write these posts) and should include a title and a link for more information. Attachments are not supported. Each post must clearly identify the organization responsible for the information and include contact information, unless a link for more information has been provided.

Calls and Announcements is appropriate for calls for papers, announcements about relevant events or professional development opportunities, and requests for study participation. All survey requests must have appropriate approval (for example, Institutional Review Board approval) prior to being submitted. Job posts are not permitted in Calls and Announcements; please visit our Career Center or information about posting a job. Sales posts are not permitted in Calls and Announcements; please visit our Partner webpage for advertising opportunities.

Requestors may email their post to

Calls and Announcements are available for external organizations. SIOP committee chairs should reach out to their liaison for opportunities to communicate their events and initiatives. If a committee chair does not know who their liaison is, please email for assistance.

Content posted in Calls and Announcements is not created by or for SIOP. SIOP is not responsible for and does not endorse content posted here. If you have questions or concerns about content in Calls and Announcements, please contact the submitter directly, either via contact information in the post or by following a link in the post.


Mark Peterson

Call for Papers on the Gig Economy

The WorldatWork Journal of Total Rewards (JTR) invites submissions for the 2022 Fourth Quarter journal. The editors are soliciting high-quality papers on the topic of the Gig Economy. The prevalence of gig workers as a talent source for many organizations makes this a timely journal focus and topic for further study. Gig workers are defined as independent contractors, online platform workers, contract firm workers, on-call workers and/or temporary workers. JTR papers should discuss a wide range of issues, including:

  •   Compensation and benefits practices or implications related to gig workers or their relationship to employees
  •   Cultural or proprietary issues that result from the utilization of contract workers
  •   Economic or tax implications for gig workers
  •   Other contemporary issues that result from the increased usage of non-traditional employees.

Submissions should include an abstract, and a statement that the submitted work is original, that it has not been published elsewhere and that the paper is not currently under review by any other journal. All submissions are due by May 1, 2022. If your submission is accepted for consideration in the Q4 issue, papers for peer review will be due Sept. 1, 2022. The suggested length for JTR papers is 3,500-5,000 words.   

Submissions should be sent to Jim Fickess, editor of The Journal of Total Rewards, or guest editor Beth Ritter, associate professor of practice at North Carolina State University.

Send your submissions to: and

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