Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Mark Peterson

Career development workshop for early-career researchers in organisational behaviour

Workplace Behaviour Research Centre University of Leeds

Career development workshop for early-career researchers in organisational behaviour 

Tuesday 24th May 2022, 9:30 – 16:30 

Click here to apply 


Workplace Behaviour Research Centre at Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK, will be hosting an in-person one-day workshop for early-career researchers (ECRs; those who have a doctoral degree within seven years) in organisational behaviour (OB). Experienced scholars are invited to provide advice for ECRs on various topics, including research publications, funding applications, engagement and impact activities, and leading an OB career in an international context. There is also an opportunity for networking. Only 50 seats are available. We will inform you whether your application is successful or not before 29th April. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Koerner ( or Mingchu Wang (  

Avenue: University of Leeds, UK 

Organizers: Chia-Huei Wu, Barbara Koerner, Mingchu Wang 

No participation fees  


Tuesday 24th May 2022 


Welcome and morning tea 


Ice break 


Round table discussion 


Tea break 


Advice on funding applications, engagement, and impact --- Leeds’ approach  

Presentations and panel discussion by Kerrie Unsworth, Lynda Song, and Matthew Davis (University of Leeds) 


Networking Lunch 


Advice on research productivity  

Presentations and panel discussion by Karen Niven (University of Sheffield), Tara Reich (King’s College London), Chia-Huei Wu (University of Leeds) 


Tea break 


International career in organisational behaviour  

Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro (London School of Economics; the 75th President of the Academy of Management) 




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