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The SIOP Presidential Portrait Gallery

This wing contains photographs of nearly all SIOP Past Presidents and links to their autobiographies (when available) or other biographical information. The autobiographies also appear on the SIOP website and were initiated by Ross Stagner and Paul Thayer.

Benjamin Ludy’s TIP article on the early SIOP Presidents.

1945-46 Bruce V. Moore

Reprinted with permission of APA; original appears in Committee on Graduate and Professional Training. (1947). American Psychologist, 2(6), 206.


1946-47 John G. Jenkins

Photograph courtesy of the University of Maryland, College Park Archives.


1947-48 George K. Bennett

From the January 1997 issue of TIP.


1948-49 Floyd L. Ruch

Photograph, from Ruch & Zimbarod’s (1971) textbook, Psychology and Life, courtesy of Philip Zimbardo.

An interview with Ruch appears online (interview begins at 36:45).
A large photograph of Ruch, with co-author Philip Zimbardo.

1949-50 Carroll L. Shartle

Reprinted with permission of APA; original appears in American Psychological Association. (1949). Carroll L. Shartle, Professor of Psychology, The Ohio State University. American Psychologist, 4(2), 55.


1950-51 Jack W. Dunlap

Photograph from the University of Rochester 1943 Yearbook, courtesy of the University of Rochester Archives.

1951-52 Marion A. Bills

Photo courtesy Aetna Archives


1952-53 J. L. Otis


1953-54 Harold A. Edgerton

Photograph (from 1939) courtesy of The Ohio State University Archives.


1954-55 Edwin E. Ghiselli

Photograph courtesy of the Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley


1955-56 Leonard W. Ferguson

Photograph courtesy of Barbara Jean Ferguson Needham


1956-57 Edwin R. Henry


1957-58 Charles H. Lawshe, Jr.

Photograph courtesy of Purdue University Calumet


1958-59 Joseph Tiffin

From January 1997 issue of TIP


1959-60 Erwin K. Taylor


1960-61 Raymond A. Katzell


1961-62 Orlo L. Crissey

Reprinted with permission of APA; original appears in Fagan, T.K. (2002).  In Memoriam Marie Skodak Crissey (1910-2000). The School Psychologist, 56(1), 7-9.


1962-63 William McGehee

1963-64 S. Rains Wallace

Photograph taken circa 1959-1967 by Fabian Bachrach courtesy of LIMRA Archives.


1964-65 Brent N. Baxter

From January 1997 issue of TIP.


1965-66 Ross Stagner

Photo courtesy of Department of Psychology, Wayne State University.


1966-67 Marvin D. Dunnette

Photo from the January 2008 issue of TIP.


1967-68 Philip Ash

Photo courtesy of Peter Ash.



1968-69 Stanley E. Seashore

Photograph courtesy of the University of Michigan Faculty History Project


1969-70 William A. Owens


1970-71 Herbert H. Meyer


1971-72 Douglas W. Bray


1972-73 Robert M. Guion        


1973-74   Edwin A. Fleishman


1974-75 Donald L. Grant

From the April 1974 issue of TIP.


1975-76 Lyman W. Porter


1976-77 Paul W. Thayer


1977-78 John P. Campbell



1978-79 C. Paul Sparks

From the February 1978 issue of TIP.


1979-80 Mary L. Tenopyr


1980-81 Victor H. Vroom

Reprinted with permission of APA; original appears in Vroom, V.H., & Jago, A.G. (2007). The role of the situation in leadership. American Psychologist, 62(1), 17-24.

1981-82 Arthur C. MacKinney

Photography courtesy of University Archives, University of Missouri-St. Louis

1982-83 Richard J. Campbell

Photograph from the January 1997 issue of TIP.

Milton D. Hakel headshot

1983-84 Milton D. Hakel


1984-85 Benjamin Schneider


1985-86 Irwin L. Goldstein

From the April 2014 issue of TIP.


1986-87 Sheldon Zedeck



1987-88 Daniel R. Ilgen


1988-89 Ann Howard


1989-90 Neal W. Schmitt

From the July 2007 issue of TIP.


1990-91 Frank J. Landy

From the July 2004 issue of TIP.


1991-92 Richard J. Klimoski


1992-93 Wayne F. Cascio


1993-94 Paul R. Sackett


1994-95 Walter C. Borman


1995-96 Michael A. Campion


1996-97 James L. Farr

1997-98 Kevin R. Murphy


1998-99 Elaine D. Pulakos


1999-2000 Angelo S. DeNisi

2000-01 Nancy Tippins


2001-02 William H. Macey

2002-03 Ann Marie Ryan

2003-04 Mike Burke

From the July 2003 issue of TIP.


2004-05 Fritz Drasgow

2005-06 Leaetta Hough

2006-07 Jeffrey McHenry

2007-08 Lois Tetrick

2008-09 Gary Latham


2009-10 Kurt Kraiger


2010-11 Eduardo Salas


2011-12 Adrienne Colella

2012-13 Doug Reynolds

2013-14 Tammy D. Allen

2014-15 Jose Cortina


2015-2016 Steve W. J. Kozlowski

2016-2017 James Outtz*

2016-2017 S. Morton McPhail

2017-2018 Fred Oswald 

2018-2019 Talya Bauer 

2019-2020 Eden King 

2020-2021 Georgia Chao 
2021-2022 Steven Rogelberg
Dr. Mo Wang 2022-2023  Mo Wang
2023-2024  Tara Behrend

*Denotes that the person died before taking office. Title is honorary.

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