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Check Out the New Getting I-O Into Intro Textbooks Blog

Nick Salter

One of the initiatives of Talya Bauer’s new SIOP presidency is to include I-O psychology into Intro Psych Textbooks.  Currently, very few Intro Psych textbooks include the topic, which contributes to a general lack of awareness of our field by many.  Therefore, the Getting I-O into Intro Textbooks (GIT SIOP) Task Force was created.  In an effort to keep the SIOP community updated on the task force’s progress, the following blog has been created:

Chaired by Joe Allen (University of Nebraska Omaha), members of the task force include Georgia Chao (Michigan State University), Jen Gibson (Fors Marsh Group), Deborah DiazGranados (Virginia Commonwealth University), Roni Reiter-Palmon (University of Nebraska Omaha), Nick Salter (Ramapo College of New Jersey), and Marissa Leigh Shuffler Porter (Clemson University).

The formal charge of this task force (written by Talya Bauer) is as follows:

The overarching task force goal is to increase the awareness and inclusion of IO psychology within General/Introduction to Psychology textbooks. This will take the form discussing, tracking, identifying, and addressing key issues related to IO content being included or not included in General/Introduction to Psychology textbooks.

While it is anticipated that the timeframe for documenting progress on the goal of more General/Introduction to Psychology textbooks is a long-term process and that major movement is expected to see dividends after 5+ years, the task force will spend two years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) working toward implementing the identification and influence tactics while reporting to the Executive Board regularly.

This blog will regularly post on the updates of this task force, so please be sure to check back often!  We want this blog to be a place where everyone in the SIOP community can check-in and see what we are up to—as well as give any ideas or suggestions you might have.  The task force will be tackling this issue from multiple angles and considering both short- and long-term goals. 

Some of the things we will be working on include:

  • Discussions with APA leadership
  • Discussions with and presentations at APA Division 2 and the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP)
  • Identify, target, and track I-O content by authors of Intro to Psychology textbooks
  • Identify and target textbook publishers of Intro Psychology textbooks
  • Create and share I-O content (such as textbook content and I-O fact sheets)
  • Create AP Psychology guest speaker volunteer opportunity
  • Publicize AP psychology exam I-O content
  • Create an Intro Psychology guest speaker volunteer opportunity

If you have any questions, ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, please feel free to contact anyone from the task force!  This blog is maintained by Nick Salter

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