Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Research & Publications > TIP > TIP Back Issues > 2018 > October
Meredith Turner
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Membership Milestones

Jayne Tegge

Members are the heart and soul of SIOP and are greatly appreciated for their interest and contributions. An impressive list of distinguished members has been with the Society for 25 years or more. To recognize the contributions and loyalty of these dedicated members, SIOP has developed an initiative called the Sterling Circle. Sterling Circle members are honored in several ways and can be identified at SIOP events with a special ribbon on their badges. Learn more about the Sterling Circle here.

New Sterling Circle Members

George Alliger
William Beusse
Warren Bobrow
Scott Bryant
Linda Carr
J. Rick Day
Robert Eichinger

Marianne Ernesto
Lawrence Hanser
Laura Heft
Herbert Heneman
Karl Kuhnert
Mark LoVerde
Kenneth Siegel

Andrew Solomonson
Carol Surface
Kecia Thomas
Richard Thompson
Paul Van Katwyk
Sharon Wagner


Reginald Ronald Shepps, PhD, Organizational Psychologist/Experiential Learning professional

I joined  SIOP  in 1968--since then, I have worked as a researcher, consultant/practitioner, and college professor..  SIOP has always provided me with a means of keeping up contact with my fellow professionals. Too, it is a kind of compass for me for professional/ethical issues and standards of practice. Finally, I have always been inspired by my SIOP colleagues, and appreciative of the deep friendships that have arisen with some of these fine professionals over the years.  One memory particularly stands out - hearing that SIOP's voting about a possible name change had been tallied and realizing that 2 of the 5 votes by which SIOP kept its name came from the two people (including me)  sitting in a single small office within the Wayne State University campus complex...realizing that at SIOP my vote really counted!

The life blood of any organization lies in attracting new members who bring a special enthusiasm and interest. Membership in SIOP is growing, and we take great pleasure in welcoming our newest members. They comprise a wonderful mix of former Student Affiliates upgrading to full membership and professionals, including those who previously were Associate members and International Affiliates. SIOP looks forward to these new members’ participation on committees and conferences as they experience the value of membership in the premier organization for industrial and organizational psychologists.

New Professional Members

Cory Adis

Paul Agnello

Dawn Allen

Stephanie Andel

Nancy Arduengo

Nicholas Arreola

Olabisi Atoba

Sheryl Axline

Nicholas Baldwin

Grant Batchelor

Ashley Beaudoin

Lauren Bell

Teresa Bennett

James Bernthal

Sarena Bhatia

Jordan Blackhurst

Michael Blair

Leah Bressler

Erika Brooks

Laura Bryant

Katrina Burch

Darren Bush

Alan Cabanilla

Anna Cale

Daniela Calefato-Greenblatt

Rachel Callan

Lizbeth Camacho

Caitlin Carney

Joseph Carpini

Patricia Cashat

Lauren Catenacci-Francois

Mark Cawman

Vivian Chan

Christie Charles

Deepshikha Chatterjee

Chao-chuan Chen

Helen Chung

Matthan Churchill

Fernando Cifuentes

Iulia Cioca

Traci Cipriano

Sarah Claiborne

David Colarossi

Catherine Collins

Olivia Cooper

Brian Costello

Jonathan Cottrell

Jessica Craig

Denise Craven

Shanna Daniels

Naveen Dass

Perry Daughtry

Kimberly Davies-Schrils

Suzanne Dean

Shelley Delano Parker

Thulani DeMarsay

Mary Dolar

Searra Donnelly

Janet Donnelly

Brock Dubbels

Mariya Dubrovina

Alexandra Dunn

Jasmine Duran

Christine Dye

Rebecca Early

Takasha Edmond

Michelle Elam

Rick Fenwick

Ricky Fenwick

Kristie Fierro

Keaton Fletcher

Caitlyn Foley

Jennifer Fowler

Kimberly French

Amy Frost

Vanessa Gallo

Kaylah Galloway

Sargam Garg

Sean Gasperson

Anthony Gatling

Eleni Georganta

Kamalika Ghosh

Daniel Githang'a

Stephanie Glassburn

Jeffrey Godbout

Kaci Grant

Sertrice Grice

Mark Grichanik

Matt Griffin

Matthew Grossman

Melissa Gutworth

Rebecca Hagen

Russell Hall

William Haller

Leah Halper

Charlsa Hanna

Rachel Hardy

Gregory Harms

Felecia Harris-McCray

Dale Hayden

Gerard Hodgkinson

Kari Hoepner

Ernest Hoffman

Nicole Howland

Serena Hsia

Terryel Hu

Amy Huber

Anna Hulett

Donald Humpert

Dennis Humphrey

Christine Hurst

Dorothy Infante

Nahren Ishaya

Kismet Jackson

Caitlin Jacobson

Bradley Jayne

Jessica Jenkins

India Johnson

Lars Johnson

Michael Johnson-Hales

Rajesh Kadam

Linda Karanja

Kristy Kay

Katherine Kay

Katherine Kearns

Anna Keil

Elisabeth Kelbley

Clinton Kelly

Joongseo Kim

Danielle King

Lauren Kiproff

Elyssa Klett

Eric Klingemier

David Kloak

Jared Klotz

David Kraichy

Kate Kramer

A. LaMountain

Gale LaRoche

Stacy-Ann Larkin

Sunhee Lee

Catherine Leighton

Karen Leonard

Sijia Li

John-Gabriel Licht

Andreas Lohff

Aniko Lorincz

Eva Lovelace

Kristy Lustig

Scott Lyons

Jessica Macera

Dan Maday

Andrew Martins

Simone Mathieu

Matt Matsui

Victoria Mattingly

Laura McAliley

Nicholas McAuliffe

Conor McCarthy

Mallory McCord

Danielle McGill

Miranda McGinnis

Tristan McIntosh

Rehana Meghani

Diana Mekarski

Kimberley Mendelsohn

Keaton Montgomery

Christopher Morgan

Tyler Mulhearn

Quyen Nguyen

Scott Nyegaard

Faith Ochsner

Deena Oden

Yael Oelbaum

Idowu Ogunkuade

Neal Outland

Christine Overfors

Olalekan Oyeside

Nathan Page

Amanda Palmer

Jung Park

Ashlyn Patterson

Elizabeth Patterson

Geraldine Paul

Kortney Peagram

Jessica Pence

Andrew Pepper

Chris Pfund

Michael Phillips

Connor Pichette

Martha Picinich

Steven Prescott

Achim Preuss

Daniel Prouty

Justin Purl

Laura Quinn

Alison Rada-Bayne

Raya Rahbari

Shan Ran

Georgina Randsley de Moura

Arthur Reese

Robert Reimer

Jess Reliford

Amy Renshaw

Roman Rheingans-Carrion

Marie-Line Rigaud

Melissa Robertson

Margaret Roche

Justine Rockwood

Susana Rodriguez

Christopher Roman

JJ Roomsburg

Scott Ryan

Mariana Saintive Sousa

Trista Scherpenberg

David Schilling

Charles Schmitt

Allison Screen

Sade Sebro McGuire

Daniel Seto

Yashna Shah

Agnieszka Shepard

Wayne Shepard

Robert Simmons

Mathias Simmons

Ruchi Sinha

Kinsey Smith

Rachel Smith

Afonso Sousa

Stacy Starkka

Marion Stattler

Gabriella Steele

Stephen Steiner

Mark Stewart

Linda Stolp-Matanic

Tyler Stout

Sarah Strahan

Rebecca Tanner

Ellen Taverner

Choon Teck Kenneth Tan

Brian Tate

Elizabeth Teagarden

Stephen Teo

Kati Thomas

Kali Thompson

Jermani Thompson

Isaac Thompson

Aron Thune

Gary Thurgood

Alexandra Tolentino

Trey Trainum

Ege Turen

Joseph Tweeddale

Emily Tyrrell

Lalitha Urs

Kristen Voetmann

Lotta Wallin

Chasie Wallis

Pamela Waltz

Michael Ward

Enrique Washington

Stephanie Weddington

Alexis Wegman

Breanna Wexler

Jordan Whittenburg

Margi Williams

Susan Williams-Moore

Michael Wilmot

Ian Wilson

Jodi Wilson

Jocelyn Wiltshire

Shannel Winslow

John Wittgenstein

Stacey Wood

Hayden Woodley

Benjamin Wretlind

Xiaozhen Wu

Shi Xu

Rachel Yates

Julie Yoon

Lingtao Yu

Martin Yu

Keith Zabel

And special congratulations to these three dedicated members who upgraded from Associate Member!

Christine Boyce                                          Keith Leas                                        Jessica Merten 



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