October 2016


Volume 54     Number 2    Fall 2016      Editor: Tara Behrend

Meredith Turner
/ Categories: 542


David L. Tomczak

Honors and Awards

Megan Leasher, director of Talent Assessment and Measurement at Macy’s Inc. in Cincinnati, was named a 2016 Rising Star by Human Resource Executive Magazine.


Gary Johns has received the 2016 Academy of Management Review Decade Award for his article “The Essential Impact of Context on Organizational Behavior,” recognized as the one AMR article that has garnered the most citations over the past 10 years.


Silvia Bonaccio, director of the new Telfer Doctoral Program at the University of Ottawa, was awarded the Patricia Ann O’Rourke Award for Excellence in Service by the Telfer School of Management.


Transitions, New Affiliations, Appointments

Stephen Colarelli of Central Michigan University is spending the academic year at Hong Kong Baptist University’s School of Business as a visiting professor of management.


Kevin Murphy will join the faculty of the University of Limerick as the Kemmy Chair of Work and Employment Studies in the Department of Personnel and Employment Relations in the Kemmy Business School.


Lynda Zugec, managing director of The Workforce Consultants, has been appointed as the chair of the Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP).


Good luck and congratulations! Keep your colleagues at SIOP up to date. Send items for IOTAs to Tara Behrend at behrend@gwu.edu.

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