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Jenny Baker
/ Categories: 2024, 613

Members in the Media

Amber Stark, Marketing and Communications Manager

Awareness of I-O psychology has been on the rise thanks to articles written by and/or featuring SIOP members. These are member media mentions found from Sept. 4, 2023, through Dec. 3, 2023. We share them on our social media and in this column, which you can use to find potential collaborators, spark ideas for research, and keep up with your fellow I-O colleagues.

We scan the media on a regular basis but sometimes articles fall through our net. If we’ve missed your or a colleague’s media mention, please email them to astark@siop.org.

Technology in the Workplace

Tianjun Sun on the ability of AI chatbots to infer personality:  https://www.wibw.com/2023/09/14/k-state-psychology-professors-research-finds-ai-chatbot-can-infer-personality/  Note: The research team included current SIOP Members Jinyan Fan, Bo Zhang, and Elissa Hack.

Tara Behrend and Leslie Hammer on the psychological impact of electronic monitoring in the workplace: https://0-www-apa-org.library.alliant.edu/topics/healthy-workplaces/employee-electronic-monitoring

Matthew Neale on how to use computer games to spot talent: https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelwells/2023/09/25/employers-now-using-computer-games-to-spot-talent-psychologist-explains/?sh=3e01ea02326a

Scott Highhouse and Andrew Samo on the struggle to tell the difference between AI and human art: https://www.bgsu.edu/news/2023/10/machine-learning-study-from-bgsu-doctoral-student-and-professor.html

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Christine Boyce with four critical factors that will help project managers realize AI’s potential: https://hbr.org/2023/11/4-factors-that-will-help-project-managers-fulfill-ais-potential?ab=HP-hero-latest-text-3

Neil Morelli on AI in talent assessments: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2023/11/16/ai-in-talent-assessments-three-key-considerations-for-leaders/?sh=262bdda04fe1

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic on the possibility that AI could be better than humans at evaluating job seekers’ potential: https://www.fastcompany.com/90982342/science-backed-reasons-ai-is-better-at-predicting-your-potential-in-a-job


Mental Health and Well-Being

Allison Gabriel with ways to recover from virtual exhaustion: https://nihrecord.nih.gov/2023/09/29/psychologist-discusses-ways-recover-virtual-exhaustion

Lori Foster and Jenna McChesney on the potential drawbacks of posting about mental health online: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/posting-about-mental-health-struggles-could-hurt-how-a-potential-employer-views-a-worker-study-finds-160009905.html

Cristina Banks on trends to ease stress at work: https://news.yahoo.com/bare-minimum-monday-gets-easing-200043740.html



Matt Paese on succession planning: https://medium.com/authority-magazine/succession-matt-paese-on-how-to-do-effective-succession-planning-fafd51b4fb2b

Gudela Grote with a research-backed tip for improving your chances of finding a job: https://www.futurity.org/job-seeker-confidence-2981862-2/

Joe Allen optimizing workplace meetings: https://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminlaker/2023/10/18/how-to-have-effective-meetings-from-theory-to-transformative-practice/?sh=61a1359c6d5b

Gena Cox on the value of respect as a leader behavior and its potential impact on DEI efforts: https://www.fastcompany.com/90968094/leaders-should-prioritize-this-one-thing-to-make-inclusion-stick. Includes information from Cort Rudolph.

Adam Grant on a research grant award of up to $100K for researchers looking into areas of human potential and workplace trends: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/15/wharton-psychologist-adam-grant-on-the-3-biggest-challenges-facing-workers-right-now.html

Ronald Riggio and Traci Cipriano on the connection between emotional intelligence and effective leadership: https://www.nar.realtor/magazine/broker-news/network/how-emotional-intelligence-makes-you-a-better-leader

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